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World of WarCraft

Started by Felsmuk, 2005-02-17, 08:36:12

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Quote from: thrall on 2008-01-28, 23:59:44
tudom, kicsit pofátlan kérés, főleg így a forumon :D de nemtudnátok úgy összegészében gyűjteni egy riding skillre, meg egy elefánt-ra? már eddíg van kb 56 goldom. (amint tudom, megadom majd :D )

hun játszol s milyen néven?


Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-01-29, 09:33:59
Quote from: thrall on 2008-01-28, 23:59:44
tudom, kicsit pofátlan kérés, főleg így a forumon :D de nemtudnátok úgy összegészében gyűjteni egy riding skillre, meg egy elefánt-ra? már eddíg van kb 56 goldom. (amint tudom, megadom majd :D )

hun játszol s milyen néven?
Ragnaros Ally Furacsirke néven (jólvanna, nemjutott eszembe semmi más :D)


Nekem egy 'How to kill a rouge with massive stunlock" vagy valami hasonló kéne :angyali: akárhogy próbálkozok ha nem tudok megmozdulni a 3 stun alat egyszer se ledarál, és csak tehetetlenül nézem. És akkor még nem is játszotta ki mindenét (blind, vanish,shadowstep,preparition,spritn etc)


Kidney shotból kijösz trinkettel, felhotolod magad, maci form és kész.


Quote from: thrall on 2008-01-29, 12:03:58
Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-01-29, 09:33:59
Quote from: thrall on 2008-01-28, 23:59:44
tudom, kicsit pofátlan kérés, főleg így a forumon :D de nemtudnátok úgy összegészében gyűjteni egy riding skillre, meg egy elefánt-ra? már eddíg van kb 56 goldom. (amint tudom, megadom majd :D )

hun játszol s milyen néven?
Ragnaros Ally Furacsirke néven (jólvanna, nemjutott eszembe semmi más :D)

veled találkoztam múltkor!!!!XD Shinohana vagy épp Eilenaval voltam.Oo egyb. nekem sink sok pénzem. próbálj meg a proffból zst csinálni.
vagy eladni a matokat.

Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-01-29, 15:05:26
Kidney shotból kijösz trinkettel, felhotolod magad, maci form és kész.

s egy warlock? az sehogy.XD


mivan, ennyire emlékezetes név a furacsirke? :D egyébként már összetarháltam azt a maradék 22g-t ami kelett (kicsi olcsóbb lett a mount + trainer, mint amire számítottam), szal így már van egy (rusnya de) egész jó Elek-em :D (életem első mountja XD)

edit: ha szeretnék egy kos mountot majd, akkor hogy lehet a legegyszerűbben reput szerezni, hogy exalted legyek IF-nél?


Megcsinálod a questeket a kezdőterültükön. :)
Amúgy azért lett olcsóbb, mert mostmár repuszintenként "stackel" a kedvezmény, amit az npck adnak.


Honored-nel 10% kedvezmeny, Reverednel meg ehhez hozzajon 5%, Exalteden nem jartam 20 szint alatt, amit trial enged. : D


nem teljesen wow, de most láttam kint FS-en, és elég érdekes

1. A Vivendi és az Activision összeborulásával két domináns független játékkiadó maradt a piacon: az Electronic Arts és a Blizzard-Activision. A két cég      között öldöklő konkurenciaharc várható a következő években.
2. A Blizzard-Activision egyik, ha nem a legfontontosabb bevételi forrása (értsd: első számú fejőstehene) a World of Warcraft.
3. A WoW-előfizetők kb. fele kínai.
4. Kínában a The9 nevű cég üzemelteti a játékot.
5. A The9 egyik jelentős tulajdonrésszel bíró részvényese az Electronic Arts.
6. ???
7. profit.

gizi: Atlas 3.valahanyas addon-t keresném, mert aztmondták, hogy jobb, mint a cartographer, és lehet, hogy én vagyok a béna, de wow.curse-n nem találom


srácok, azért bannolhatnak ha Skin Alteration cuccokat használok?(pl human female helyett én draenei femalet látok)


Elvileg ban jár érte, igen.


Quote from: kelvor on 2008-02-01, 12:15:30
Elvileg ban jár érte, igen.

márha észreveszik...előtte szoktak szólni vagy nem?XD havernak már jóideje megy a cucc s vele még semmi nem volt.


Ha felmerül benned a kérdés, hogy ezért bannolhatnak?/ez exploit?, akkor az esetek 99%ában a válasz igen. :)

Ed.: hiába nem veszik észre egy darabog, én nem kockáztatnám, hogy kivágják egy ilyen miatt az accom. És sztem nem figyelmeztetnek előtte.


Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-01, 12:30:57
Ha felmerül benned a kérdés, hogy ezért bannolhatnak?/ez exploit?, akkor az esetek 99%ában a válasz igen. :)

Akkor inkább nem haszná mekkora lol már egy Draenei warlock meztelen succubussal az oldalán? :whoah: :whoah:


Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-01, 12:25:30
márha észreveszik...előtte szoktak szólni vagy nem?XD havernak már jóideje megy a cucc s vele még semmi nem volt.

Ilyenekért nem jár figyelmeztetés, automatikusan ban-t kapsz. A haverod eddig szerencsésnek mondhatja magát, hogy nem vették észre. Azt hiszem, hogy a wow.hun vagy valamelyik külföldi oldalán olvastam, hogy volt egy druida, aki a formaváltásokkal variált. Pl. a maci son of arugar skint kapjon, travelform murlock legyen stb... Pár hónapig ment neki, aztán kapta a banhammert.


Amúgy ezeket a modokat a warden nem veszi észre?


Különben miért nem mindegy nekik, milyen színben látod a világot? Ebből lehet valami hasznot húzni?


minden bizonnyal. csak ket egyszeru eset: amugy nehezen eszreveheto ellensegeknek "latvanyosabb" skint adni, atallitani a tereptargyakat atlatszova. stb, stb.


Jah, ok. Azt hittem ez csak JK-ra vonatkozik... mondjuk úgy is jobb, ha egy gnóm helyett egy elefántra kell célozni :P


Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-01, 17:41:22
Amúgy ezeket a modokat a warden nem veszi észre?

Elvileg észlelnie kell, de a Blizznél mindig érdekesen működött a warden. Anno a D2-es időkben a Bnet is tele volt olyan gamerekkel, akik olyan modokat használtak, amik simán csalásnak számítanak és még sem szűrte mindegyiket. 


Quote from: hargharg on 2008-02-01, 17:54:27
minden bizonnyal. csak ket egyszeru eset: amugy nehezen eszreveheto ellensegeknek "latvanyosabb" skint adni, atallitani a tereptargyakat atlatszova. stb, stb.
ez csak egyszerű eset volt
nemtudom, hogy ezt lehet-e, de pl a stealth-ot is át lehet rakni más skinre mondjuk, és akkor lehet látni (de ezt nemtom :D )




Omg Lock Down! Unbelievable!  :D

Az a 40k biztosan fájt.  :smile:

Hm, ez érdekes.

[spoiler=Wow fórum /USA/]

Loot is generated upon creation.
As soon as you step into an instance, or a mob is created in the world, the loot that's going to drop has already been determined.

What are the variables in the random generator's kernel, is it based on some attribute of the players in the raid, or the raid leader?

Heh no, I believe it uses a time stamp to seed the generator. So, there's nothing you can influence within the game that would alter or coerce the generator.


Nekem tetszett. Eu fórum, warlock board
[spoiler]Rogue says 'Got a quest to kill a fel reaver - anyone want to group?'
Crickets chirp.
Priest says 'Me too, who wants to group with me?'
Mage says 'I do!'
Hunter says 'I do!'
Warrior says 'I do!'
Druid says 'Need ranged DPS?'
Shaman says 'I do!'
Paladin says 'Hey, I can heal too!'
Warlock says 'Sure, why not?'
Priest says 'Okay, I'll take Mage, Warrior, Warlock, and Hunter.'
Rogue says 'Aw, crap.'
Hunter points and laughs at Druid.
Druid shifts into cat form for no apparent reason.
Buffs happen with nifty /party chat macros.
Warlock, Shaman, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, and Priest /whisper Mage, 'water plz'
Mage sighs.
Warrior says 'Trash mob wander incoming. I got it.'
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 75.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 71.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 75.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 74.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 81.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 86.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 68.
Warrior crits Trash Mob for 135.
Warrior says 'I rock!'
Trash Mob is at 98% health.
Hunter says 'Wow, look at Mr. Protection Spec go.'
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 81.
Warrior crits Trash Mob for 146.
Warrior says 'A new record!'
Warrior flexes.
Mage burns his meditate for mana to make more water.
Warlock summons an imp.
Imp says 'Man, that warrior sucks.'
Warrior is still whittling away at Trash Mob.
Hunter says 'Anyone have any meat?'
Hunter's Pet sighs.
Druid shifts into travel form for no apparent reason.
Paladin says 'Hey, I can heal too!'
Shaman says 'So can I, but you don't see me getting nerfed, do you?'
Paladin sighs.
Rogue says 'I'll help!'
Rogue backstabs Trash Mob for 1450.
Rogue cheap shots Trash Mob.
Trash Mob is stunned!
Rogue hits Trash Mob for 605.
Rogue crits Trash Mob for 1145.
Rogue hits Trash Mob for 786.
Rogue crits Trash Mob for 1044.
Rogue crits Trash Mob for 1089.
Rogue points and laughs at Warrior.
Warrior says 'Hey, guess who forgot to sunder?'
Trash Mob hits Rogue for 1014.
Trash Mob hits Rogue for 989.
Trash Mob crits Rogue for 2155.
Trash Mob crits Rogue for 2341.
Rogue has died.
Warrior points and laughs at Rogue.
Warlock says 'Fine, I'll handle it.'
Warlock summons a felguard.
Felguard points and laughs at Warrior.
Warrior cries.
Warlock sends in Felguard.
Warlock casts a DoT.
Warlock casts another DoT.
Warlock casts yet another DoT.
Warlock nukes the crap out of the mob while juggling, reading War and Peace, and watching reruns of Cops on TV.
Felguard holds aggro the whole time.
Trash Mob has died.
Warlock receives Soul Shard.
Hunter slaps Hunter's Pet.
Hunter says 'Pay attention!'
Shaman probably said something here, but who listens to them anyway?
Mage finishes handing out water to everyone.
Warrior and Hunter whisper Mage, 'food plz'
Priest says 'Hurry up, Mage - let's go!'
Mage contemplates rerolling.
Druid shifts into bear form for no apparent reason.
Warrior says 'Okay, pulling more trash mobs.'
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 93.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 96.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 91.
Shaman says 'I'll help.'
Shaman drops an air totem.
Shaman drops an earth totem.
Shaman casts Rockbiter.
Shaman says 'OOM'
Shaman sits.
Paladin says 'At least I'm not that guy.'
Hunter says 'Anyone got any arrows?'
Mage says 'I got this.'
Mage summons Air Elemental.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Air Elemental just stands there.
Mage says '6 months and they still haven't fixed this stupid bug!'
Mage hits Trash Mob for 1441.
Mage hits Trash Mob for 1255.
Warrior says 'Yeah, about those sunders...'
Trash Mob hits Mage for 1340.
Trash Mob hits Mage for 1412.
Mage is encased in a block of ice!
Mage says 'I'm used to it.'
Shaman stands up.
Shaman drops a fire totem.
Shaman drops a water totem.
Shaman casts Lightning Shield.
Shaman says 'OOM'
Shaman sits.
Druid runs off to find some water so he can shift to sea lion form for no apparent reason.
Priest heals Mage for 4103.
Rogue yells 'Oh, I see how it is!'
Priest shrugs.
Warlock kills the Trash Mob accidentally while discussing Tolstoy with someone over AIM.
Warlock receives Soul Shard.
Mage sighs.
Druid comes back with a Fel Reaver chasing him.
Warrior says 'On it!'
Warrior charges the Fel Reaver.
Mage, Hunter, and Paladin attack the Fel Reaver.
Shaman is still OOM.
Warlock is now AFK.
Rogue whispers Druid, 'battle rez?'
Druid whispers Rogue, 'I'm balance specced!'
Rogue sighs.
Priest heals Warrior for a lot.
Druid shifts into moonkin form.
Mage says 'Seriously?'
Mage nukes the Fel Reaver for a lot.
Hunter shoots the Fel Reaver for a lot.
Druid nukes the Fel Reaver for not as much as Mage.
Fel Reaver crits Druid for 12000.
Druid is dead.
Mage yells 'WTB threat reduction, PST to Druid!'
Hunter snickers.
Fel Reaver is sort of beat up.
Fel Reaver cleaves Warrior for 1200.
Fel Reaver cleaves Paladin for 1340.
Fel Reaver cleaves Hunter's Pet for 1560.
Hunter's Pet is dead.
Hunter says 'Anyone have any meat?'
Fel Reaver cleaves Warrior for 1386.
Fel Reaver cleaves Paladin for 1421.
Paladin panics.
Paladin bubblehearths.
Priest, Mage, Warrior, Shaman and Hunter shake their heads.
Priest says 'OOM!'
Shaman stands up.
Shaman says 'I've got heals.'
Shaman heals Warrior for 800.
Shaman heals Warrior for 810.
Shaman heals Warrior for 786.
Shaman heals Warrior for 803.
Shaman says 'OOM'
Shaman sits.
Priest sighs.
Fel Reaver hits Warrior like Warrior stole his bike.
Warrior is dead.
Mage does the math.
Mage is encased in a block of ice!
Hunter does the math.
Hunter feigns death.
Priest does the math.
Priest fades.
Shaman does the math.
Shaman sighs.
Fel Reaver hits Shaman for a really, really big number.
Shaman is dead.
Shaman is resurrected.
Shaman says 'Self rez FTW!'
Fel Reaver hits Shaman for an even bigger number.
Shaman is dead.
Fel Reaver turns Priest into chunky salsa.
Priest is dead.
Mage pops Cold Snap.
Mage is encased in a block of ice!
Mage says 'Hey, 30 seconds is better than nothing.'
Fel Reaver gnaws on the ice.
Mage makes out his last will and testament.
Fel Reaver stomps Mage like a narc at a biker rally.
Mage is dead.
Warlock is no longer AFK.
Warlock looks around.
Warlock shrugs.
Warlock sends in Felguard.
Warlock casts a DoT.
Warlock casts another DoT.
Warlock casts yet another DoT.
Warlock fear kites the Fel Reaver while taking an online test on quantum physics.
Fel Reaver is dead.
Warlock receives Soul Shard.
Hunter sighs. [/spoiler]

A 2.4 meg érdekes lesz. +1 token, több old bossokból, summolás instán belülre (hurrá...), új raid.


Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-02, 04:28:44
Nekem tetszett. Eu fórum, warlock board
[spoiler]Rogue says 'Got a quest to kill a fel reaver - anyone want to group?'
Crickets chirp.
Priest says 'Me too, who wants to group with me?'
Mage says 'I do!'
Hunter says 'I do!'
Warrior says 'I do!'
Druid says 'Need ranged DPS?'
Shaman says 'I do!'
Paladin says 'Hey, I can heal too!'
Warlock says 'Sure, why not?'
Priest says 'Okay, I'll take Mage, Warrior, Warlock, and Hunter.'
Rogue says 'Aw, crap.'
Hunter points and laughs at Druid.
Druid shifts into cat form for no apparent reason.
Buffs happen with nifty /party chat macros.
Warlock, Shaman, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, and Priest /whisper Mage, 'water plz'
Mage sighs.
Warrior says 'Trash mob wander incoming. I got it.'
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 75.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 71.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 75.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 74.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 81.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 86.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 68.
Warrior crits Trash Mob for 135.
Warrior says 'I rock!'
Trash Mob is at 98% health.
Hunter says 'Wow, look at Mr. Protection Spec go.'
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 81.
Warrior crits Trash Mob for 146.
Warrior says 'A new record!'
Warrior flexes.
Mage burns his meditate for mana to make more water.
Warlock summons an imp.
Imp says 'Man, that warrior sucks.'
Warrior is still whittling away at Trash Mob.
Hunter says 'Anyone have any meat?'
Hunter's Pet sighs.
Druid shifts into travel form for no apparent reason.
Paladin says 'Hey, I can heal too!'
Shaman says 'So can I, but you don't see me getting nerfed, do you?'
Paladin sighs.
Rogue says 'I'll help!'
Rogue backstabs Trash Mob for 1450.
Rogue cheap shots Trash Mob.
Trash Mob is stunned!
Rogue hits Trash Mob for 605.
Rogue crits Trash Mob for 1145.
Rogue hits Trash Mob for 786.
Rogue crits Trash Mob for 1044.
Rogue crits Trash Mob for 1089.
Rogue points and laughs at Warrior.
Warrior says 'Hey, guess who forgot to sunder?'
Trash Mob hits Rogue for 1014.
Trash Mob hits Rogue for 989.
Trash Mob crits Rogue for 2155.
Trash Mob crits Rogue for 2341.
Rogue has died.
Warrior points and laughs at Rogue.
Warlock says 'Fine, I'll handle it.'
Warlock summons a felguard.
Felguard points and laughs at Warrior.
Warrior cries.
Warlock sends in Felguard.
Warlock casts a DoT.
Warlock casts another DoT.
Warlock casts yet another DoT.
Warlock nukes the crap out of the mob while juggling, reading War and Peace, and watching reruns of Cops on TV.
Felguard holds aggro the whole time.
Trash Mob has died.
Warlock receives Soul Shard.
Hunter slaps Hunter's Pet.
Hunter says 'Pay attention!'
Shaman probably said something here, but who listens to them anyway?
Mage finishes handing out water to everyone.
Warrior and Hunter whisper Mage, 'food plz'
Priest says 'Hurry up, Mage - let's go!'
Mage contemplates rerolling.
Druid shifts into bear form for no apparent reason.
Warrior says 'Okay, pulling more trash mobs.'
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 93.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 96.
Warrior hits Trash Mob for 91.
Shaman says 'I'll help.'
Shaman drops an air totem.
Shaman drops an earth totem.
Shaman casts Rockbiter.
Shaman says 'OOM'
Shaman sits.
Paladin says 'At least I'm not that guy.'
Hunter says 'Anyone got any arrows?'
Mage says 'I got this.'
Mage summons Air Elemental.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Mage orders Air Elemental to attack.
Air Elemental just stands there.
Mage says '6 months and they still haven't fixed this stupid bug!'
Mage hits Trash Mob for 1441.
Mage hits Trash Mob for 1255.
Warrior says 'Yeah, about those sunders...'
Trash Mob hits Mage for 1340.
Trash Mob hits Mage for 1412.
Mage is encased in a block of ice!
Mage says 'I'm used to it.'
Shaman stands up.
Shaman drops a fire totem.
Shaman drops a water totem.
Shaman casts Lightning Shield.
Shaman says 'OOM'
Shaman sits.
Druid runs off to find some water so he can shift to sea lion form for no apparent reason.
Priest heals Mage for 4103.
Rogue yells 'Oh, I see how it is!'
Priest shrugs.
Warlock kills the Trash Mob accidentally while discussing Tolstoy with someone over AIM.
Warlock receives Soul Shard.
Mage sighs.
Druid comes back with a Fel Reaver chasing him.
Warrior says 'On it!'
Warrior charges the Fel Reaver.
Mage, Hunter, and Paladin attack the Fel Reaver.
Shaman is still OOM.
Warlock is now AFK.
Rogue whispers Druid, 'battle rez?'
Druid whispers Rogue, 'I'm balance specced!'
Rogue sighs.
Priest heals Warrior for a lot.
Druid shifts into moonkin form.
Mage says 'Seriously?'
Mage nukes the Fel Reaver for a lot.
Hunter shoots the Fel Reaver for a lot.
Druid nukes the Fel Reaver for not as much as Mage.
Fel Reaver crits Druid for 12000.
Druid is dead.
Mage yells 'WTB threat reduction, PST to Druid!'
Hunter snickers.
Fel Reaver is sort of beat up.
Fel Reaver cleaves Warrior for 1200.
Fel Reaver cleaves Paladin for 1340.
Fel Reaver cleaves Hunter's Pet for 1560.
Hunter's Pet is dead.
Hunter says 'Anyone have any meat?'
Fel Reaver cleaves Warrior for 1386.
Fel Reaver cleaves Paladin for 1421.
Paladin panics.
Paladin bubblehearths.
Priest, Mage, Warrior, Shaman and Hunter shake their heads.
Priest says 'OOM!'
Shaman stands up.
Shaman says 'I've got heals.'
Shaman heals Warrior for 800.
Shaman heals Warrior for 810.
Shaman heals Warrior for 786.
Shaman heals Warrior for 803.
Shaman says 'OOM'
Shaman sits.
Priest sighs.
Fel Reaver hits Warrior like Warrior stole his bike.
Warrior is dead.
Mage does the math.
Mage is encased in a block of ice!
Hunter does the math.
Hunter feigns death.
Priest does the math.
Priest fades.
Shaman does the math.
Shaman sighs.
Fel Reaver hits Shaman for a really, really big number.
Shaman is dead.
Shaman is resurrected.
Shaman says 'Self rez FTW!'
Fel Reaver hits Shaman for an even bigger number.
Shaman is dead.
Fel Reaver turns Priest into chunky salsa.
Priest is dead.
Mage pops Cold Snap.
Mage is encased in a block of ice!
Mage says 'Hey, 30 seconds is better than nothing.'
Fel Reaver gnaws on the ice.
Mage makes out his last will and testament.
Fel Reaver stomps Mage like a narc at a biker rally.
Mage is dead.
Warlock is no longer AFK.
Warlock looks around.
Warlock shrugs.
Warlock sends in Felguard.
Warlock casts a DoT.
Warlock casts another DoT.
Warlock casts yet another DoT.
Warlock fear kites the Fel Reaver while taking an online test on quantum physics.
Fel Reaver is dead.
Warlock receives Soul Shard.
Hunter sighs. [/spoiler]

A 2.4 meg érdekes lesz. +1 token, több old bossokból, summolás instán belülre (hurrá...), új raid.

hol olvastad te a 2.4 patchet?XD




Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-03, 12:37:42
A Blizz fórumon.

az csak kitaláció.jókedvű anonnak sok ideje volt s unatkozott.




Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-03, 12:44:56
Akkor Anon megtanult kékkel írni.


wtf, kék??? amit utoljára láttam azt vlm idióta csinálta...hoppá...thx a linkért.

edit: jah, ez tényleg 2.4es info, de semmi konkrét. én azt hittem arról beszélsz amit egy anon írt 2 oldalon keresztül.-.-

