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Started by NLZ, 2005-09-06, 01:44:15

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Nem lesz 1/1/1 a 3/3/1 helyett, max mellette. De még ez se biztos. Nemsokára változások várhatóak, szal érdemes kipróbálni. :P :)


Abyss lake-re úgy, hogy a tó körüli résznél 11 óra fele van egy oszlop. Ahhoz kell vinni pár sárkánypikkelyt, s beteleportál középre. Odin temple meg felejtõs, mert nincsenek a szörnyek megcsinálva rendesen, s alapból ki is vannak kapcsolva. Egyébként Hugel városából vinne el egy npc.


Ne is mondd. Vitata card keresés közben 2 Andre card 10 perc alatt. :D


Rounin!! Akard linkelni ide is a Gunslingerrõl és a Ninja-ról szóló cuccokat, ha még nem voltak. Imho mást is érdekelhet. Ha télleg olyan lesz, mint amit leírtak akkor kapunk 2 állatira használhatónak tûnõ kasztot (meg SSJ7Sasuke nevû karikat dögével...:D).


Gunslinger Sprites:

Ninja Sprites:

Gunslinger Skill Icons:

Ninja Skill Icons:

New Status Icons:

Ninja and Gunslinger Skills (

Expanded Classes : Ninja

: Basic Overview :

Ninja can use special abilities that's almost like magic, throw weapons, and also move blazingly fast. They also have many evade skills, and can do excellent melee combat in addition to magical ability. He's, in the other word, a hybrid.

: Ninja's Weapon :

They use mainly Shurikens and Dagger types.

1. Shuriken / Kunai : This is a throwing weapon, and their ATK power is all different. The Shuriken is easy to use, and its stats are doable, and what they do is, they allow for short burst DPS. Good ASPD and stable damage. In case of the Kunai, it is differentiated by what elemental bonus it provides, and by using different Kunais, you can get different bonuses from them. In case of Wind Shuriken, you could do melee with it, as well as throwing it to deal damage to the enemy.

2. Daggers: Ninjas can use normal daggers, as well as special Ninja-only daggers.

3. Wrist Toshi: Instead of the shields, Ninjas use their own Wrist Toshi which helps them in their movement.

: Ninja's Skills :

Ninja has 2 different skill lines. Assassination Ninja, and Mind Ninja.

1. Assassination Ninja: They use many Shurikens, Kunai, and Daggers to deal ranged DPS as well as many melee-based attacks. They also have special ability to disappear from the enemy, then suddenly appear to deal large DPS.

2. Mind Ninja: Ninja trains in the use of the mind power, allowing them to use special abilities with elements in it like Mages. They can do many ranged attacks, as well as use elemental attacks against the enemy. They can also have ability to disappear then reappear to deal large DPS like Dagger Ninjas.

3. Ninja Ultimate Skill: After a Ninja has learned enough dagger and mind abilities, they receive this special ability.

: Ninja Skills : Assassination :

1. Assassination Training [Max LV 10]
Type: Passive

Description: Increase damage of Shuriken attacks.

LV / ATK +
1 - 3
2 - 6
3 - 9
4 - 12
5 - 15
6 - 18
7 - 21
8 - 24
9 - 27
10 - 30

2. Shuriken Throw [Max LV 10]
Type: Active

Description: Throw the shuriken to attack an enemy. Range is 9 cells.

LV / Damage Bonus (To current damage rating)
1 - 4
2 - 8
3 - 12
4 - 16
5 - 20
6 - 24
7 - 28
8 - 32
9 - 36
10 - 40

3. Throw Kunai [Max LV 10]
Type: Active

Description: Throw a Kunai to deal 3 hits in a row. Special effects are different based on Kunai you throw.

4. Throw Wind Shuriken [Max LV 5]
Type: Active

Description: Throw a large shuriken at the enemy, dealing splash damage around the target. Also, number of hits done increases as you increase this skill's level.

LV / Damage
1 - 300%
2 - 450%
3 - 600%
4 - 750%
5 - 900%

5. Throw Money [Max LV 10]
Type: Active
After-cast Delay: 5 seconds.

Description: Throw money to deal certain damage that ignores enemy's Armor value. When this is used in PvP or against Boss, the damage done is decreased by certain rate.

LV / Damage / Zeny Taken
1 - 1000 - 1K
2 - 2000 - 2K
3 - 3000 - 3K
4 - 4000 - 4K
5 - 5000 - 5K
6 - 6000 - 6K
7 - 7000 - 7K
8 - 8000 - 8K
9 - 9000 - 9K
10 - 9999 - 10K

6.Reverse Tatami [Max LV 5]
Type: Active
After-cast Delay: 3 Seconds

Description: Throws back Tatami in the 4 cells right next to you (top, right, bottom, left) to attack enemy. While in the after-cast delay (3 seconds), the Ninja is invulnerable to ranged melee attacks.

(For example, if you have LV 3 of this ability, it'll go like this:)

 3 2 1 [You] 1 2 3

LV / Cell Attack Range / Damage
1 - 1 - 110%
2 - 2 - 120%
3 - 3 - 130%
4 - 3 - 140%
5 - 3 - 150%

7. Shadow Teleportation [Max LV 5]
Type: Passive

Description: Allows you to move to the targeted cell through Hiding. You can go through blocked paths if you can attack there.

LV / Cell Move Range
1 - 5
2 - 6
3 - 7
4 - 8
5 - 9

8. Vanishing Slash [Max LV 10]
(Editor's Note: Lit. translation is Fog Slash)
Type: Active

Description: Attacks an enemy, then puts you into 'Hiding' state.

LV / Damage
1 - 110%
2 - 120%
3 - 130%
4 - 140%
5 - 150%
6 - 160%
7 - 170%
8 - 180%
9 - 190%
10 - 200%

9. Shadow Slash [Max LV 5]
Type: Active

Description: Attacks targeted enemy from Hiding state. The attack range is equal to amount you have learned from Shadow Teleportation ability. After the attack, the Hiding state is cancelled.

LV / Damage / CRIT+
1 - 100% - 30%
2 - 200% - 35%
3 - 300% - 40%
4 - 400% - 45%
5 - 500% - 50%

10. Cicada Skin Shedding [Max LV 5]
Type: Support

Description: When you use this ability, you are put into 'Cicada Skin Shedding' mode. When you are attacked in this state, you will automatically dodge it, then move back by 7 cells. This state is cancelled after being attacked certain amount of time.

LV / Lasting Time / Lasting Number
1 - 20 sec - 1
2 - 30 sec - 1
3 - 40 sec - 2
4 - 50 sec - 2
5 - 1 min - 3

11. Illusionary Shadow [Max LV 10]

Type: Support

Description: Creates an illusion of yourself that lets you automatically dodge up to certain number of attacks. You can defend yourself using this vs. melee and ranged physical, but does not grant you protection vs. magic attacks. This skill can be used in "Soul" state.

LV / Dodge Number / Lasting Time
1 - 1 - 60 sec.
2 - 1 - 80 sec.
3 - 2 - 100 sec.
4 - 2 - 120 sec.
5 - 3 - 140 sec.
6 - 3 - 160 sec.
7 - 4 - 180 sec.
8 - 4 - 200 sec.
9 - 5 - 220 sec.
10 - 5 - 240 sec.

: Ninja Skills : Ways of the Blade :

1. Ways of the Blade Training [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive

Description: Through training the mind, it increases your SP regeneration speed. This recovery amount is increased as you gain higher SP. This kicks in every 10 seconds.

LV / Recovered
1 - 3
2 - 6
3 - 9
4 - 12
5 - 15
6 - 18
7 - 21
8 - 24
9 - 27
10 - 30

2. Bright Crimson Fire [Max LV 10]

Type: Active (Fire)

Description: Throw a burning fiery flower petal at a single enemy to deal Fire-elemental damage. It does repeated hits equal to level of this skill (10 hits if skill level of this is 10), and every attack has damage equal to 90% of MATK.

3. Crimson Fire Formation [Max LV 10]

Type: Active (Fire)

Description: Causes fiery tempest 5x5 cells around you, dealing repeated fire-elemental damage. The skill lasts 20 seconds, and it automatically dissipates after it hits for maximum number of hits. Consumes 1 Burning Fire Stone.

LV / Hit Number
1 - 5
2 - 5
3 - 6
4 - 6
5 - 7
6 - 7
7 - 8
8 - 8
9 - 9
10 - 9

4. Raging Dragon of Fire [Max LV 5]

Type: Active (Fire)

Description: Causes a dragon of fire to rise from the ground, which then attacks targeted enemy and also deals explosion around the 5x5 cell of the target, hitting 3 times. Consumes 1 Burning Fire Stone.

LV / Damage
1 - MATK +300%
2 - MATK +450%
3 - MATK +600%
4 - MATK +750%
5 - MATK +900%

5. Lightning Spear of Ice [Max LV 10]

Type: Active (Ice)

Description: Spears of ice will rise from the ground to attack an enemy. Number of hits done increases as you increase skill's level. Maximum number of hits is 7.

6. Hidden Water [Max LV 10]

Type: Support (Ice)

Description: Creates a puddle of water on the ground, which reduces MoveSpeed of all enemies in it by half, and also reduces their AGI. On this puddle, you may use Aqua Benedicta and Water Ball. Also, if you use Lightning Spear of Ice on the area affected by this ability, it will do additional damage. The caster and other Ninjas are not affected by this ability. Consumes 1 Frozen Stone.

LV / Effective Range / Lasting Time / AGI Penalty
1 - 3x3 - 15 sec. - 0
2 - 3x3 - 20 sec. - 3
3 - 3x3 - 25 sec. - 3
4 - 5x5 - 30 sec. - 3
5 - 5x5 - 35 sec. - 5
6 - 5x5 - 40 sec. - 5
7 - 7x7 - 45 sec. - 5
8 - 7x7 - 50 sec. - 8
9 - 7x7 - 55 sec. - 8
10 - 9x9 - 60 sec. - 8

7. Falling Frozen Crystal [Max LV 5]

Type: Active (Ice)

Description: Summons a large boulder of ice from the sky to fall, causing damage to all enemies within 7x7 cell of the caster. Consumes 1 Frozen Stone.

LV / Damage / Freezing Chance
1 - MATK +150% - 20%
2 - MATK +200% - 30%
3 - MATK +250% - 40%
4 - MATK +300% - 50%
5 - MATK +350% - 60%

8. Wind Blade [Max LV 10]

Type: Active (Lightning)

Description: Throws the blades of wind to deal lightning-type damage.

LV / Number of Hits
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 2
4 - 3
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 4
8 - 5
9 - 5
10 - 6

9. Lightning Strike of Destruction [Max LV 5]

Type: Active (Lightning)

Description: Summons lightning to strike enemies near you. Consumes 1 Wind Spirit Stone.

LV / Damage / Effective Range
1 - MATK +200% - 5x5
2 - MATK +240% - 5x5
3 - MATK +280% - 7x7
4 - MATK +320% - 7x7
5 - MATK +360% - 9x9

10. Wind of the Morning Dawn : Kamaitachi [Max LV 5]

Type: Active (Lightning)

Description: Summons the blade of the wind to destroy everything that lies between you and the enemy target. Consumes 1 Wind Spirit Stone.

LV / Damage / Range
1 - MATK +200% - 5 cells
2 - MATK +300% - 6 cells
3 - MATK +400% - 7 cells
4 - MATK +500% - 8 cells
5 - MATK +600% - 9 cells

: Ninja Skills : Ultimate Abilities :

1. Soul (念) [Max LV 5]

Type: Support (Shadow)

Description: Gathers your spirit, turning you into reddish color. You must have this state in order to use the Illusionary Shadow and Final Strike. This state is automatically undone when you have used said skills.

2. Final Strike [Max LV 10]

Type: Active

Description: Attacks a single target using rest of your HP to deal large damage. More HP you have with you when you attack, more damage will be done. After using this ability, your HP will be 1.

(I've omitted Ninja skill bugs atm, since they are strictly bugs and should be fixed soon).

* Expanded Classes : Gunslinger

Translation is done by Lune (Kaion) of No, don't steal my translation and call it your own. :P

: Basic Overview :

Gunslingers use many different guns to deal damage from the range. They use 5 different types of guns, and those guns come with their own specialties. All guns are two-handed.

1. Handgun: Equips two handguns, one in each hand, to dual shoot. Very fast ASPD and hit rate.

Some of the skills Handgun uses: Chain Action, Rapid Shower, and Desperado.

2. Rifle: ASPD of this weapon is lower than the handguns, but it has higher HIT rate and each shot will pack quite a punch.

Some of the skills Rifle uses: Tracking, Disarm, Piercing Shot.

3. Shotgun: ASPD is very slow, but every shot this makes deals very high damage, and it has small splash damage as well.

Some of the skills Shotgun uses: Dust, Full Buster, and Spread Attack.

4. Gatling Gun: Highest ASPD of all guns, but its damage is quite low. But if you like to experience the fastest ASPD ever, try the Gatling gun.

Some of the skills Gatling Gun uses: Gatling Fever.

5 Grenade Launcher: Slow reloading, bad ASPD, but each shot does very large damage. It also allows you to use variety of grenades that provide special effects such as elemental attacks and status ailment attacks.

Some of the skills Grenade Launcher uses: Ground Drift.

6. Others: Gunslingers can use their coins to do variety of support and offensive abilities. The skill, "Flip the Coin" allows you to do many things, including increasing your HIT, reduce enemy's DEF, and many others. Get more coins to get even more powerful offensive abilities.

: Gunslinger Skills :

1. Flip the Coin [Max LV 5]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Flips the coin (as skill says). If it's the top, you get a golden coin that is around you. If it's bottom, you lose the coin. You can collect up to 10, and higher skill level allows you to get higher chance of getting the top. Every time you use this ability, it consumes 1 Zeny.

2. Fling [Max LV 1]

Type: Active / Main Skill

Description: Uses the coin you have to attack and reduce enemy's DEF at the same time. It uses up to 5 coins at once, and more coins you use, the reduction of enemy DEF increases.

3. Triple Action [Max LV 1]

Type: Active / Main Skill

Description: Uses a coin to deal 3 hits in a row.

4. Bull's Eye [Max LV 1]

Type: Active / Main Skill

Description: Causes a powerful damage against humanoid / beast type monsters. Uses 5 coins to deal 500% of damage, and has 0.1% chance to put the target into Coma state. Boss monsters are invulnerable to Coma state effect of this ability.

5. Madness Canceller [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Uses 4 coins to increase your ATK by 100, increase ASPD by 20% but makes you unable to move. Effect is gone after 15 seconds. Cannot be used in conjunction with Adjustment.

6. Adjustment [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Uses 2 coins to decrease your HIT by 30, increase your FLEE by 30, and reduce all incoming ranged physical damage by 20%. Cannot be used in conjunction with Madness Canceller.

7. Increase Accuracy [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Uses 2 coins to increase your HIT rate by 50 for next 1 minute.

8. Magical Bullet [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Uses 1 coin to fire a magical bullet that does not actually use up your bullet. This magical bullet's damage is calculated by ATK+MATK, and its element will be Shadow.

9. Cracker [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Uses 1 coin to shoot a gun suddenly at the enemy, attempting to stun him. Chance of stun increases if he's closer to you.

10. Single Action [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive / Main Skill

Description: Basic skill that helps you shoot more accurately as well as faster with guns. Increasing this skill's level lets you attain higher HIT and ASPD rate.

1 - 2 - 1%
2 - 4 - 1%
3 - 6 - 2%
4 - 8 - 2%
5 - 10 - 3%
6 - 12 - 3%
7 - 14 - 4%
8 - 16 - 4%
9 - 18 - 5%
10 - 20 - 5%

11. Snake's Eyes [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive / Main Skill

Description: Increases gun's attack range and HIT rate.

LV / HIT + Range
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 9
10 - 10

12. Chain Action [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive / Handgun Only

Description: When you shoot, there's a chance of shooting twice in single go. Increasing this skill's level increases chance of that.

13. Tracking [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Handgun, Rifle Only

Description: Aims the enemy carefully to deal large damage. Increasing this skill's level increases casting time and damage done.

LV / Damage / Cast Time
1 - 160% - 1.2 sec.
2 - 240% - 1.4 sec.
3 - 360% - 1.6 sec.
4 - 400% - 1.8 sec.
5 - 520% - 2 sec.
6 - 640% - 2.2 sec.
7 - 760% - 2.4 sec.
8 - 880% - 2.6 sec.
9 - 1000% - 2.8 sec.
10 - 1200% - 3 sec.

14. Disarm [Max LV 5]

Type: Active / Handgun, Rifle Only

Description: Aims at enemy's hand in order to make him drop the weapon he has. If it is used on a monster, it has ATK -25% effect instead. Increasing skill's level increases chance of success. This skill does not work vs. Boss monsters.

15. Piercing Shot [Max LV 5]

Type: Active / Handgun, Rifle Only

Description: Shoots a bullet that will go straight through the enemy. Enemy hit by this attack may be put in Bleeding status ailment.

LV / Damage / Chance of Bleeding Status Ailment
1 - 110% - 3%
2 - 120% - 6%
3 - 130% - 9%
4 - 140% - 12%
5 - 150% - 15%

16. Rapid Shower [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Handgun Only

Description: Attacks a single target fast for 5 times.

LV / Damage
1 - 550%
2 - 600%
3 - 650%
4 - 700%
5 - 750%
6 - 800%
7 - 850%
8 - 900%
9 - 950%
10 - 1000%

17. Desperado [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Handgun Only

Description: Attacks all enemies within 7x7 cells around you. Deals up to 7 attacks to all enemies nearby.

LV / Damage
1 - 100%
2 - 150%
3 - 200%
4 - 250%
5 - 300%
6 - 350%
7 - 400%
8 - 450%
9 - 500%
10 - 550%

18. Gatling Fever [Max LV 10]

Type: Support / Gatling Gun Only

Description: During the skill, it increases ASPD and damage, but decreases your FLEE and MoveSpeed. Using the skill again when you are under its effect will cancel the ability.

LV / Damage / ASPD / FLEE / Lasting Time
1 - +30 - +2% - -5% - 30 sec.
2 - +40 - +4% - -10% - 45 sec.
3 - +50 - +6% - -15% - 60 sec.
4 - +60 - +8% - -20% - 75 sec.
5 - +70 - +10% - -25% - 90 sec.
6 - +80 - +12% - -30% - 105 sec.
7 - +90 - +14% - -35% - 120 sec.
8 - +100 - +16% - -40% - 135 sec.
9 - +110 - +18% - -45% - 150 sec.
10 - +120 - +20% - -50% - 160 sec.

19. Dust [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Shotgun Only

Description: Attacks a single enemy to deal a large damage in single blow.

LV / Damage
1 - 150%
2 - 200%
3 - 250%
4 - 300%
5 - 350%
6 - 400%
7 - 450%
8 - 500%
9 - 550%
10 - 600%

20. Full Buster [Max LV 5]

Type: Active / Shotgun Only

Description : Shoots multiple shells at the same time to deal large damage. After using this ability, you won't be able to attack, use skills, or use items for some time.

LV / Damage / Attack/Skill/Item Disable Time
1 - 500% - 1.5 sec.
2 - 750% - 2 sec.
3 - 1000% - 2.5 sec.
4 - 1250% - 3 sec.
5 - 1500% - 3.5 sec.

21. Spread Attack [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Shotgun Only

Description: Spreads the Shotgun shells by large area.

LV / Damage / Range
1 - 100% - 3x3 cells
2 - 120% - 3x3 cells
3 - 140% - 3x3 cells
4 - 160% - 5x5 cells
5 - 180% - 5x5 cells
6 - 200% - 5x5 cells
7 - 220% - 7x7 cells
8 - 240% - 7x7 cells
9 - 260% - 7x7 cells
10 - 280% - 9x9 cells

22. Ground Drift [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Grenade Launcher Only

Description: Using the launcher, spreads multiple grenade all around the ground. If the enemy approaches the grenade, it explodes to deal damage. It has special effect depending on the grenades you used.

LV / Damage / Lasting Time (before forced explosion)
1 - +50 - 3 sec.
2 - +100 - 6 sec.
3 - +150 - 9 sec.
4 - +200 - 12 sec.
5 - +250 - 15 sec.
6 - +300 - 18 sec.
7 - +350 - 21 sec.
8 - +400 - 24 sec.
9 - +450 - 27 sec.
10 - +500 - 30 sec.


hát akkor megis lesz az új karakterem, egy ninja...thieflike karik powa :D


Ja igen, a helyszínen legilletékesebb megelõzött :) Sebaj, ezt a ninját kipróbálom majd valamikor(bár így elsõre..biztos, hogy kiegyensúlyozott ez? O_o Na majd meglátjuk^^)


azt figyeltem skilleknél, hogy a ninja jobb assassin lesz, mint az assassin (de attól még stalkerrel elverem /gg)


Mindkét kaszt überbrutál. Egyébként sztem pár hét múlva lehet kipróbálni. :D


Van még pár heted. :)


White SeeD, SG és SL tökéletes már, egyedüli gond, hogy egyesek bénák frissíteni. :)


Milyen empiirtó? :)  Én tudom mivel lehet mepit leverni 4-5 mp alatt. :D


Tudok olyan 99es assaX-et csinálni, ami más karitól származó buffot fel nem használva, fegyót leszámítva cuccot nem hordva, 7 sec alatt leveri az empit. Ezt tovább finomítva akár lehet belõle 5-6 sec is. LK-val már csak 20 mp körüli puszítást tudok kihozni.


Hát, nálunk a sniper rendesen üti az empet pedig "csak" 97es. Meg minek egy empet 5s alatt leverni.
Ha addig nem tudod biztosítani magad, hogy 1 percig ütöd, utána se fogod megtartani a várat, az utolsó 10s-ben meg berongyolni és várat leverni -sztem- szánalmas.


Nem arról van szó, hanem a felvágásról, hogy ki az ügyesebb. :D Egyébként aki empit ver, az tömeget is. És igenis sokat számít, hogy letudod-e verni az empit gyorsan. 1 perc alatt birodalmak sorsa dõl el. :D


NLZ, éppenséggel az empi HP-je
10*.-ese a normális erveréhez képest, szal egy 99-es assa nemtudja leszedni buffok nélkül(azal sem) 6-7 mp alatt :P


Quote from: NLZNem arról van szó, hanem a felvágásról, hogy ki az ügyesebb. :D Egyébként aki empit ver, az tömeget is. És igenis sokat számít, hogy letudod-e verni az empit gyorsan. 1 perc alatt birodalmak sorsa dõl el. :D

Ah igen. Ha lett volna egyszer +10 másodpercünk, vagy aki kicsit gyorsabban üti az empit, eggyel több várunk van =D

Mellesleg ez a ki az ügyesebb téma elég aktuális. Kicsit nevetséges, amikor két LK-t egy 95-ös crusader gond nélkül feltart és laposra kalapál ^^


thrall, ha csak a hp-t módosították, akkor nem olyan gyors tényleg. De ha mást is változtattak, akkor arra építve lehet teljesítmény többletet szerezni. :D

Rounin, Crusa brutális tud lenni, ha jól megcsinálják és felszerelik. De agyonkártyázva is szar tud lenni, ha nem ért hozzá a tulajdonosa. :)

Seed, melyik szerver? :) Ha kész lesz az 1/1/1 es szerver, s szereted a kihívásokat, akkor várunk oda szívesen. :) Ilyen faszságok nem lesznek, ne aggódj. De lesz pár szokatlan, de nem túl zavaró módosítás, hogy növeljük az egyensúlyt és a játékélményt.


Advos kari sztem alapból hülyeség. :)


valaki adjon egy linket honnan lehet letolteni a telepito fileokat mert FateRO oldalrol nem mukodik.
in principio creavit Deus caelum et metal
You know the first time you get laid and you turn around and say "daddy, are you sure this is alright?".


Quote from: Xipevalaki adjon egy linket honnan lehet letolteni a telepito fileokat mert FateRO oldalrol nem mukodik.

NLZ, vettem észre. A Fallen kovácsával szívtam csak egyedül, meg az instant wizákkal. Amúgy szinte bármit feltartok (jó, Sniper a falconnal még mindig gázos, de egy BC után 28K hpvel még az sem annyira vészes :D). Beszûkült SD-betyár assaX-ek max 3k-t tudnak ütni rajtam, de akkor és is ütök. Nagyot /gg


Quote from: Rounin

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kb ennyi
in principio creavit Deus caelum et metal
You know the first time you get laid and you turn around and say "daddy, are you sure this is alright?".


Próbáld meg leszedni innen, vagy pedig innen. :)


Quote from: NLZPróbáld meg leszedni innen, vagy pedig innen. :)

kosz, masodik linket ajanlom mert onnan jon rendes sebesseggel.
harom file letoltve, remelem mas nem kell hozza.
in principio creavit Deus caelum et metal
You know the first time you get laid and you turn around and say "daddy, are you sure this is alright?".


kosz a segitseget, Kuroi neven megtalatok jatekban.
in principio creavit Deus caelum et metal
You know the first time you get laid and you turn around and say "daddy, are you sure this is alright?".


b+ nekem csak 66..lehet nekemis elkelett vonla raktároznom belõle XD.. jujjtaláltam 2765 plant bottle-t :D


Egyébként Loki is tisztában van vele, ohgy alchemist is tud csinálni ilyen potit, akkor miért rakja fel 100k-ra a árát, ha nem azt akarná,hogy eladhassuk :D


Hmm, warlockro szagot érzek. Tõzsde után potiárelbaszás? érdekes. :)  Vagy nemértenek, hozzá, vagy hülyék, de ez magasfokú szervergyilkosság. :)


Beszarok. Ragnahu és Lizardro is ellopta a kliensemet... Elõbbit már lerendeztem, de most az utóbbit észrevéve kezd elegem lenni. Tényleg ilyen hülyék ezek?


Quote from: NLZHmm, warlockro szagot érzek.

Ehhe..idáig szaglik :S Jópár dologban ^^ De hát õk tudják, az õ szerverük. Nemdebár?