Ez nagyon lol :DD

Started by HVp213, 2006-03-09, 17:46:17

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Quote from: Kvikveg on 2013-06-12, 21:17:45
Az elet irja a legjobb sztorikat. Eppen ezen rohogok.
QuoteThree music videos were created in promotion of the album. MTV aired the videos for "Down in It" and "Head Like a Hole", but an explicit video for "Sin" was only released in partial form on the 1997 home video Closure.[34] The original version of the "Down in It" video ended with the implication that Reznor's character had fallen off a building and died in the street. This footage attracted the attention of the FBI. As Reznor explains in an interview with Convulsion Magazine:

    There was a scene w[h]ere I was lying on the ground, appearing to be dead, in a Lodger-esque pose and we had a camera with a big weather balloon filled with helium hooked up to it... the first one we did, we started the film, I was laying on the ground and the ropes that were holding the balloon snapped, the camera just took off into the atmosphere... the camera landed two hundred miles away in a farmer's field somewhere. He finds it and takes it to the police, thinking that it's a surveillance camera for marijuana, they develop the film and think that it's some sort of snuff film of a murder, give it to the FBI and have pathologists looking at the body saying, 'yeah, he's rotting,' (I had corn starch on me, right) 'he's been decomposing for 3 weeks.' You could see the other members of the band walking away and they had these weird outfits on, and they thought it was some kind of gang slaying.[35]
Eppen azt keresem, hogy milyen jo szamaik vannak, mert eddig kb 1et ismerek toluk.
Ha jó számokat keresel tőlük, akkor régebbi albumaikat nézd. A határvonal az nagy öniróniával And All That Could Have Been (Halo 17) címen megjelent koncertalbum. :D


Nothing About Culture Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution



,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."


Ezt a fejet... csak a gyerekek tudnak ilyen helyzetet teremteni.  :lul:
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Nothing About Culture Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution



WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."


WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


"I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" ...

Well, do ya, punk?"





Quote from: Raggie on 2013-06-19, 16:13:47
Sztem zseniális! :D

Russel Brand szivatja a tévés riportereket
Ez a 3 "musorvezeto" vagy akarkik is voltak, teljesen szet volt esve.
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


A komment szekciobol (ha igaz ha nem)
Quoteryleah  06/24/13 09:25 AM

I live in Chicago, where a lot of TDK was filmed. I used to work at a starbucks downtown. The thing about Starbucks is that the store is supposed to be open in time to serve people on their way to work at places that are supposed to be open in time to serve the people who work in the office buildings. That means that the doors have to be open at 5:30, so the opening shift started work at 4:30.

As a 19 year old, having a job that starts at 4:30 and ends at 1 in the afternoon means you typically try to arrange your sleep cycle in a manner where you go to sleep after the shift, wake up in the evening, party all night, and then head in to work straight from the party, with the "sleeping all afternoon" part of the plan being optional.

Anyways all of the above is to explain why I was sleeping in an empty Chicago public transit rail car at 4 in the morning.

When you fall asleep on an empty train in Chicago there are a lot of nasty surprises you can wake up to. Gang bangers, crack addicts, general crazy folk, etc. It's putting yourself in a vulnerable position in a place you really don't want to look vulnerable. That said, I'm a big dude and the neighborhood I was in wasn't too bad. I thought I knew the likely risks, and while I hadn't intended to fall asleep, I believed I was ready to deal with any weirdness I would find when I woke up.

I was wrong.

The train made the announcement that we were approaching my stop, which brought me to a semi-conscious state. I shifted my bag and opened my eyes just a crack to allow some light in , and realized that on this empty train someone had decided to sit directly next to me.

In a situation like that it's always safe to assume that the person sitting next to you wishes you some harm, and occasionally, if you are big enough, you can convince them to find weaker prey by looking them in the eyes and not looking impressed.

So I turned, hard glare prepared, to see Heath Ledger, in full goddamn Joker costume, sitting next to me and just f*****g staring at me. This was before a few months before the movie came out, so my already struggling and sleep deprived brain didn't really have any context for what was going on. There should be a word for that feeling you get when alone, underground, and boxed in by one of the most psychotic characters in fiction, with the feeling that he's been watching you sleep for quite some time. I didn't have time to come up with one, though, because I noped the f**k over seat in front of me and got the f**k off that train car.

WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Ez most nálam valamiért betette a kaput.  :lul:




Quote from: .Attila on 2013-06-24, 22:16:07
Quote from: Darkstar on 2013-06-24, 22:04:46

IT'S OVER NINETHOUSA... ah skip it.

Es mi az ott jobbra, a tehen alatt?  :eek:
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


There is a glitch in the matrix
Nincs talalat??!
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.



Macskaköröm nélkül persze azonnali találatok milliói. :D


Quote from: Kvikveg on 2013-06-25, 12:41:26
There is a glitch in the matrix
Nincs talalat??!
nade miért sertéskocka? az önmagában is 26 db találat csak
pörkölt már smafu?
Nothing About Culture Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution


Quote from: Nakedape on 2013-06-25, 13:25:37
Quote from: Kvikveg on 2013-06-25, 12:41:26
There is a glitch in the matrix
Nincs talalat??!
nade miért sertéskocka? az önmagában is 26 db találat csak
pörkölt már smafu?

Hát mert abba beletartozhat a sertésgömb is, de most csak a kocka az érdekes.



WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.



WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.