Ez nagyon lol :DD

Started by HVp213, 2006-03-09, 17:46:17

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WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.



Nothing amazing happens here, and you get used to that: used to a world where everything is ordinary.
Every day we spend here is like a whole lifetime of dying slowly.


Quote from: Zen on 2010-02-04, 08:55:24

Ez jó  :D  :facepalm:

Geographically Incontinent   (Library | Maryland, USA)
Me: "Public library, how may I help you?"
Caller: "Hi, I have kind of a dumb question."
Me: "Oh, well, what's your question?"
Caller: "I need to know what the seven continents are."
Me: "Oh, that's not a dumb question. Why don't you tell me which ones you know and I'll tell you which ones you're missing."
Caller: "Okay, thanks. Let's see...North America, South America, Asia, Africa, France, Italy..."
Me: "Whoa, hold up. France and Italy aren't continents."
Caller: "Really?"
Me: "You said North America, South America, Asia, Africa...the ones you're missing are Europe, Antarctica..."
Caller: *writing this down* "Okay..."
Me: "...and Australia."
Caller: "Oh yeah! Austria! Okay, thanks so much."


Customer: "Hi, I need to get a refund for this book. You gave me the wrong book."
Me: "Didn't you ask for Dracula?"
Customer: "No! I read this book and it is nothing like the movie."
Me: "Actually, Francis Ford Coppola completely re-wrote the story when he filmed his version of Dracula. I can help you find that version, if you'd like."
Customer: "No! I want the Van Helsing version."
Me: "I'm sorry?"
Customer: "Yeah, in Van Helsing, Van Helsing is the main character and he fights Dracula and Frankenstein."
Me: "That film is a complete work of fiction. Van Helsing never fought Frankenstein or Frankenstein's monster."
Customer: "Yes he did! The movie said so! What do you know?"
Me: "Bram Stroker was a little boy when Mary Shelley died, so she never read Dracula."
Customer: "I think you are lying. The movie and Hugh Jackman would never lie!" *storms off*
Customer #2: *overhearing* "I hate Hollywood."
:muhahah: :muhahah: :lul: :lul:

(Bra)ce Yourself
Retail | Nova Scotia, Canada
(A very elderly female customer walks up to the register and hands over an empty hanger.)
Me: "Excuse me ma'am, but what exactly was on this empty hanger?"
Customer: "This!" *very elderly customer lifts up shirt to reveal bra*
Me: "Oh...oh God."
:lul: :lul: :rotfl: :muhahah: :gyagya: :lul:
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Jó kis szövegek. De én már nem lepődök meg rajtuk. Az emberek nagyon hülyék tudnak lenni. Helpdeskesként ezt megtapasztaltam. :D


(A mother approaches me, violently dragging her two teenage boys along.)

Mother: "I demand you call the police immediately and have them arrest those 'flashers' at once!"

(She motions to the two topless girls on the beach.)

Me: "Actually, here in Ontario, it's legal for women to go topless. Are you not from around here?"

Mother: "I am from America where we have morals and standards. You people sicken me! They are far too young to be doing that!"

Me: "Sorry, ma'am, but there is technically no age limit on the law. It applies the same as it does to your sons."

Mother: "Is there not a family section for decent people to enjoy the beach without these sick perverts exposing themselves to everyone?"

Me: "Again, I apologize, but it's not about the beach. It's legal for women of any age to go topless anywhere outdoors they please...same as men."

Mother: "I will sue this whole country for punitive damages! My sons will be scarred for life!"

(Her sons are clearly scarred, as they are staring at the topless girls with huge grins on their faces. All of a sudden, three more topless girls walk past. She attempts to cover both her sons' eyes with her hands.)

Mother: "Heathens! You will all burn in h***! Sinners and perverts, that's all you Canadians are!"

Music Store | Boston, MA, USA
(The customer's total is $9.67. She hands me a ten dollar bill and three Canadian quarters.)

Me: "I'm sorry, ma'am, I can't accept this change."

Customer: "Why not? It's 67 cents and I gave you 75."

Me: "Right, but this is Canadian currency."

Customer: "So? They're still quarters."

Me: "Right, but they're Canadian Quarters. I can't accept foreign currency."

Customer: "Canada's not foreign! It's in America!"


Mi a csillagkapu hatás?
-Amikor egy buliban bemész a WC-be és otthon találod magad.


Elixirs Of Everlasting Life Are On Aisle 5
Retail | Evansville, IN, USA
(While ringing up a customer, the computer flags cold medicine and asks for age verification.)
Me: "Sir, I need to verify your date of birth."
Customer: "Why?"
Me: "You're trying to buy medicine and I just need your date of birth to confirm you are over the age of 18."
Customer: "Oh. April 20th, 1420."
Me: "Sir, I really need your actual birth date to continue."
Customer: "4-20-1420. Put it in."
(I enter the date. The system accepts. I look in disbelief.)
Customer: "Told you."

wtf?  :eek:

Ez rohadtjo:   :lol:

No Flirting A-Loud
Retail | Midland, MI, USA
(I'm scanning out an elderly couple. The man is obviously hard of hearing.)
Me: "Hello, and how are you folks today?"
Customer: "You look so young. Why is that?"
Me: "I'm only 19."
Customer: "What?"
Customer's wife: "SHE SAYS SHE'S NINETEEN!"
Customer: "Oh...do you have a boyfriend?"
Me: "I'm engaged, actually."
Customer: "What?"
Customer's wife: "SHE SAYS SHE'S ENGAGED!"
Customer: "Oh...do you want to go out with me sometime?"
Me: "Uh...here, I'll just finish scanning your items for you."
Customer: "What?"
Customer's Wife: "SHE TURNED YOU DOWN!"


The Fourth Is Not Strong With This One
Hotel | Traverse City, MI, USA
Me: "Thank you for calling the [hotel]. How may I direct your call?"
Customer: *in a British accent* "I need a room for tonight."
Me: "I'm sorry, sir, but we are booked."
Customer: "Why?"
Me: "It's the 4th of July. We're always booked on the 4th."
Customer: "I know the date! Why are you booked?"
Me: "Um, it's July 4th."
Customer: "Listen, just give me a room!"
Me: "I'm sorry sir, we are sold out. The entire town is sold out."
Customer: "The entire town? Why?"
Me: "Sir, it's the 4th of July. Independence day."
Customer: "Independence from what?"
Me: "Um, England."
Customer: "Oh bloody h***!" *click*
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


mérsékelten lol, a történetet és felhajtást illetően meg brutálisan fájdalmas
Hogy éld túl a Toyotád?


Quote from: Fazék on 2010-02-05, 15:23:05
mérsékelten lol, a történetet és felhajtást illetően meg brutálisan fájdalmas
Hogy éld túl a Toyotád?
ja pont most láttam, és hát igen
Nothing About Culture Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution


WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.



Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Mit tettem veletek?! :D
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Zen on 2010-02-06, 18:11:23
Mit tettem veletek?! :D
Ellattal egy hetre olvasnivaloval. Miattad nem fogom tudni kialudni magam! Es a hotelben a mellettem levok sem mert harsanyan fogok rohogni! :lul:
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.





Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled.

Hogy kapnának hererákot.
