Bleach Manga (anime-nézőkre veszélyes spoilerekkel;) )

Started by Yakumo, 2006-07-31, 16:49:43

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Mindannyian kaptok egy jóóókora FAILt!! A legjobb csaj a Bleach-ben egyértelműen ő.



Mindenki, akinél nem:
1. Yoruichi
2. Nanao
3. Lisa

Az BU...  :D

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Quote from: LuckyDingo on 2009-03-03, 02:18:57
Quote from: NLZ on 2009-03-03, 00:57:00
Yoruichival meg az a baj, hogy egy kissé nagyon kozmás. :D

I do feel a slight touch of racism in your post my dear baldy friend!  :ejj:
Nesze egy baldy:


[spoiler=szpoijlááá]Chapter 348 Original Sin

Ulquiorra says "we vasto lord can further become hollow,this is true despair"

Ulquiorra cut Ichigo with huge black wing,it is a deep cut.

Ulquiorra says "your weak skill will never defeat vasto lorde"

Ulquiorra stab Ichigo with black nail,pierce through him.

Ichigo cannot move,he thinks he may lose.

Inoue appear behind Ulquiorra,says "Koten Zanshun" and attack Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra moves,Ichigo is hit by Koten Zanshun.

Orihime scream.

Ichigo have huge hole in chest,blank eyes.

Orihime "Kurosaki-kun!"[/spoiler]

hát hogy ebből mennyi igaz azt nemtom, de érdekesnek érdekes :D


Quote from: chilip on 2009-03-03, 18:26:15
[spoiler=szpoijlááá]Chapter 348 Original Sin

Ulquiorra says "we vasto lord can further become hollow,this is true despair"

Ulquiorra cut Ichigo with huge black wing,it is a deep cut.

Ulquiorra says "your weak skill will never defeat vasto lorde"

Ulquiorra stab Ichigo with black nail,pierce through him.

Ichigo cannot move,he thinks he may lose.

Inoue appear behind Ulquiorra,says "Koten Zanshun" and attack Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra moves,Ichigo is hit by Koten Zanshun.

Orihime scream.

Ichigo have huge hole in chest,blank eyes.

Orihime "Kurosaki-kun!"[/spoiler]

hát hogy ebből mennyi igaz azt nemtom, de érdekesnek érdekes :D

Ez egy baromság. Annyira fake, hogy az már fáj. 2ch kezd tunyulni, lol.


na majd meglátjuk csütörtök-péntek környékén :D mindenesetre igen, elég kamunak látszik


ÁÁ pedig milyen kúl lenne :D Szinte látom magam előtt Ichigo blank Eyes-t és Kurosaki kunt XD

Csak túlzottam kiemeli, hogy Vastokat emlegeti Ulq :S De milyen jó lenne ezt látni : (


Quote from: LuckyDingo on 2009-03-03, 19:36:28
ÁÁ pedig milyen kúl lenne :D Szinte látom magam előtt Ichigo blank Eyes-t és Kurosaki kunt XD

Csak túlzottam kiemeli, hogy Vastokat emlegeti Ulq :S De milyen jó lenne ezt látni : (

Errm... csak az én értő szövegolvasásommal van a gond, vagy más se nagyon tud mit kezdeni LD posztjával? :D


Milyen jó lenne már Ulqi-t NEM látni.  :D Lejárt lemez.

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Quote from: Junchi on 2009-03-03, 19:50:19
Quote from: LuckyDingo on 2009-03-03, 19:36:28
ÁÁ pedig milyen kúl lenne :D Szinte látom magam előtt Ichigo blank Eyes-t és Kurosaki kunt XD

Csak túlzottam kiemeli, hogy Vastokat emlegeti Ulq :S De milyen jó lenne ezt látni : (

Errm... csak az én értő szövegolvasásommal van a gond, vagy más se nagyon tud mit kezdeni LD posztjával? :D

Nincs itt semmi gond ... velem XD
A spoiler szerinte Ulqui a Vastolordokart emlegeti elég sokszor :S még ezt el is hinném csak túl sokat hozzák fel.
A Végén a "de jó lenne ezt látni" arra vonatkozik, hogy ezt a spoilert megvalósulni, de jó lenne.
+Szinte látom magam előtt "Ichigo blank Eyes"-t és "Kurosaki kunt"/ahogy Orihime kétségbesetten ordibál, miután kinyírta Ichigot

Más kérdés? :XD


Nyah, így mostmár képes volt feldolgozni az agyam :3


[spoiler=348]Ulquiorra: The true despair part was when all this black sludge I'm oozing ruined a perfectly good dress.
Ichigo: Oh shit, I'm screwed. My only hope is for him to be so emo that he cuts himself more than he cuts me.


Kenpachi: Hey guys, think we should go help him or something?
Unohana: I'm too busy mothering afro-car back to health. His hair has greater priority over Kurosaki's boring hair.
Byakuya: I only came for the pumpkin pie.
Mayuri: I'd rather sit here and prod Szayel in the naughty bits, thanks.
Kenpachi: Hmm, well it does seem pretty chilly outside the dome. I might get a cold, what with being shirtless and all. Sorry kid, you're on your own.


Ulquiorra: *is 2 fast 2 furious!* I'm the goddamn Batman, betch.
Ichigo: God I suck, I remember when bankai actually made a difference in my speed. Only contrived deus ex machina can save me now!
Orihime: Kurosaki-kun Kurosaki-kun Kurosaki-kun! Please don't get wtfraped too badly, your virginity is reserved for me!
Ishida: Yeah, umm. You go, girl. Row row, fight da powah.
Ichigo: Wow, I feel completely rejuvenated by their cheers! With Inoue-san and whatshisface in the glasses believing in me, I can do anything!
Ulquiorra: This almost makes me wish I had a friend. But sadly, I am the loneliest clown of them all.
Ichigo: Time to finish this with one giant attack! Getsugaaa ... TENSHOOOOOUUUUUU!
Ulquiorra: My facial expression is different for the third time in my life! (The first was when I found Gin's stash of UlquiGrimm doujins.)

*huge black explosion covering 2 pages'd!*

Next Week:
Cutaway to Rukia vs Rudobon!
Ulquiorra: Did not you hear when I said I was the goddamn Batman?
Ichigo: Orly nao? *links to this*
Ulquiorra: Alas, I am vanquished!
SJ Editors: Christ, Kubo, do you have any idea how much friggin' ink you waste every week with these unnecessary gigantic black splotches? You're fired, clean out your desk by three.[/spoiler]


sick :gyagya:
már bocsi de ez már beteg[/spoiler]
Ultras liberi


Quote from: Chronus on 2009-03-03, 21:58:56
Ichigo: Wow, I feel completely rejuvenated by their cheers! With Inoue-san and whatshisface in the glasses believing in me, I can do anything!
Ulquiorra: This almost makes me wish I had a friend. But sadly, I am the loneliest clown of them all.



[spoiler]Ressureccion Segunda Etappa
"Within the Espada, only I have been able to use this second release. Not even Aizen-sama have I shown this form to."

It ends with Orihime arriving just as Ichigo gets pierced in the chest by an attack.[/spoiler]
A színes oldalak meg látszólag hülyeségre lettek elpazarolva


Quote from: LuckyDingo on 2009-03-04, 17:10:28
[spoiler]"Within the Espada, only I have been able to use this second release. Not even Aizen-sama have I shown this form to."[/spoiler]



Kubo, is dat really the best you can do?


Lol, a színes oldalakon a még bronzkorban lezajlott fegyver poll eredményhirdetése fog feszíteni... Hyourinmaru az első helyen...  ::)


Quote from: Chronus on 2009-03-04, 18:56:54
Quote from: LuckyDingo on 2009-03-04, 17:10:28
[spoiler]"Within the Espada, only I have been able to use this second release. Not even Aizen-sama have I shown this form to."[/spoiler]



Kubo, is dat really the best you can do?

Úgy néz ki ez a helyzet :D Lassan a manga elér arra a szintre, hogy köbö annyira várjam a következő heti fejezetet, mint a Fairy Tailt XDD


De ha majd Kubo papa egymás után szórja a képünkbe a bankai-kat, meg resurrecciónokat, vissza fogod Te még vonni eme kijelentésed :D (már ha persze kellően kúlosak lesznek. Csak menjünk már vissza Karakurába, pálííz!)


Quote from: Junchi on 2009-03-04, 20:37:12
De ha majd Kubo papa egymás után szórja a képünkbe a bankai-kat, meg resurrecciónokat, vissza fogod Te még vonni eme kijelentésed :D (már ha persze kellően kúlosak lesznek. Csak menjünk már vissza Karakurába, pálííz!)

Hát.. Nel pawns Noitra óta engem semmi sem tudott lenyűgözni :D Talán az, hogy megjelentek a kapitányok, de ennyi. Halibel se volt rossz a vetkőzéssel, e az se nagy szám és nehogy már csak a nőkön döbbenjen meg valaki XD Nem ecchi manga ez :P

Egyszerűen túl kiszámítható, vagy ha nem az akkor olcsó húzásokkal van teli pakolva mostanában a bleach. Tőlem a szentatyaúristen kettétépheti a világokat és Bankaiozhat három lépésben, az se hat meg, ha hülyén tálalják a dolgot.


Ichigo ennyire szétverve nyert már valaha? Eddig bíztam benne hogy legyőzi Ulquiorrát, de egyre kevésbé hiszem hogy sikerülne neki :falba:

Prof. William

Hol is láttam már a "HÁHÁHHÁ van m ég 1 level uppom de azt nem láthatja mindenki" dolgot...   Azért nem kell ennyire másolni... Bár nem biztos hogy ez lesz...

Viszont már a t*köm kezd telelenni azzal hogy 5 chaptere nem mutanak mást mint hogy ULQ ERŐS ULG ERŐS! - Jól van Kubo felfogtuk szóval most már lássunk némi Ichigo actiont!


[spoiler=Chapter348: The Lust 2]
Bleach 348: The Lust 2

Continues from the last chapter. Upon seeing Ulquiorra's new form Ichigo is stunt. Now Ulquiorra's lower body is covered with something similar to black fur (use your own judgement when the scan is out), his bare feets have claws similar to the eagle's and his black tail is twice as long as his body.

A scence cuts Ishida and Orihime who are on their way up to where the fight is. Suddenly they both sense such a strong reiatsu. Ishida thinks not only the reiatsu is powerful but also thick and dark as if there's an ocean being placed up there in the sky. He then hurries up trying to get there sooner.

A scene cuts back to Ulquiorra who is telling Ichigo this is a ressureccion segunda etapa which only he out of all the espadas has. And that even Aizen has never seen this form of his. However, instead of getting scare Ichigo is at the fighting pose ready to fight Ulquiorra again. His fearless expression amazes Ulquiorra. But then he notices Ichigo's sword is shaking even if it's just a little bit so he thinks,

"He is not that crazy to be fearless...but that are the eyes of those who's not willing to die. Even right now he thinks he could win."

"Fine. Even if you are all crushed and gone I will make you understand it."

Then he attacked Ichigo causing him to hit the tower. Ulquiorra follows and grabs his face but once Ichigo uses his sword to defend himself, a tail wipes another side of his face. Ichigo calls out his mask but couldn't do much anyway.

"Even with an enemy you fear his powers and know the difference, you still dare to fight him. This is beyond my understanding." Say Ulquiorra then kicks Ichigo again causing him to clash another tower.

"If this is a thing you called a heart. Then a reason you humans are hurt is because of it. Because you humans have the hearts that's why you all will die here."

After a short silence, Ichigo replies, "Who said I fight because I want to win? I fight because I have to win!" Then he tries to stand in a fighting pose. They stare at each other then Ulquiorra says,

"What a fool."

Orihime finally arrived at the top of the dome. She is worried upon unable to sense Ichigo's reiatsu. However, what she see causes her to shock. Ulquiorra's using his tail to hold a limp Ichigo by his neck (he passed out). Ulquiorra notices Orihime so he turns to her and says, "Here you are, woman. Good, now watch the moment the man you place all your hopes in die." With that he points his finger at Ichigo.

"Don't!!!" Screams Orihime but it doesn't stop a cero from causing a big hole in Ichigo's chest.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Chronus on 2009-03-05, 17:30:49
[spoiler=Chapter348: The Lust 2]
Bleach 348: The Lust 2

Continues from the last chapter. Upon seeing Ulquiorra's new form Ichigo is stunt. Now Ulquiorra's lower body is covered with something similar to black fur (use your own judgement when the scan is out), his bare feets have claws similar to the eagle's and his black tail is twice as long as his body.

A scence cuts Ishida and Orihime who are on their way up to where the fight is. Suddenly they both sense such a strong reiatsu. Ishida thinks not only the reiatsu is powerful but also thick and dark as if there's an ocean being placed up there in the sky. He then hurries up trying to get there sooner.

A scene cuts back to Ulquiorra who is telling Ichigo this is a ressureccion segunda etapa which only he out of all the espadas has. And that even Aizen has never seen this form of his. However, instead of getting scare Ichigo is at the fighting pose ready to fight Ulquiorra again. His fearless expression amazes Ulquiorra. But then he notices Ichigo's sword is shaking even if it's just a little bit so he thinks,

"He is not that crazy to be fearless...but that are the eyes of those who's not willing to die. Even right now he thinks he could win."

"Fine. Even if you are all crushed and gone I will make you understand it."

Then he attacked Ichigo causing him to hit the tower. Ulquiorra follows and grabs his face but once Ichigo uses his sword to defend himself, a tail wipes another side of his face. Ichigo calls out his mask but couldn't do much anyway.

"Even with an enemy you fear his powers and know the difference, you still dare to fight him. This is beyond my understanding." Say Ulquiorra then kicks Ichigo again causing him to clash another tower.

"If this is a thing you called a heart. Then a reason you humans are hurt is because of it. Because you humans have the hearts that's why you all will die here."

After a short silence, Ichigo replies, "Who said I fight because I want to win? I fight because I have to win!" Then he tries to stand in a fighting pose. They stare at each other then Ulquiorra says,

"What a fool."

Orihime finally arrived at the top of the dome. She is worried upon unable to sense Ichigo's reiatsu. However, what she see causes her to shock. Ulquiorra's using his tail to hold a limp Ichigo by his neck (he passed out). Ulquiorra notices Orihime so he turns to her and says, "Here you are, woman. Good, now watch the moment the man you place all your hopes in die." With that he points his finger at Ichigo.

"Don't!!!" Screams Orihime but it doesn't stop a cero from causing a big hole in Ichigo's chest.[/spoiler]

Muha muha uhahahahah :lul: [spoiler]Big hole in Ichigoooo yipee :)[/spoiler] Remek, most nézzük ezek után mi jön :)



[spoiler]lukas Ichigo :angyali:
vacak ch megint.
de úgy néz ki
vége a harcna emo king győzelmével[/spoiler]
Ultras liberi


[spoiler]vagy ichigo powerup és csak most kezdődik igazán :D[/spoiler]

Prof. William

Hát mivel ez egy fighting anime az sem kizárt hogy az igazi harc még csak most fog kezdődni. Lásd DB, DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho és tsai. :)

Sajna elég trágya chapter colt. Tulajsonképpen ebben is csak annyi volt hogy Kubo az sulykolta hogy QLG ERŐŐŐŐŐS ERŐŐŐŐŐS!!!!! Aztán a végén amolyan narutosan izgulhatunk hogy vajon meghalt e manga főszereplője.  :P  Most már egy kicsit kezd unalmas lenni a dolog...


Remélem meghalt :D Még Goku is belehalt egy ennél kisebb lyukba is.. szal ha Ichigo nem hal meg ettől... Köbö egy szíveltávolítást végzett rajta Ulqui, szal instant death.

Annyiban különbözik, a múltkori lyukától, hogy ez most fix átmegy rajta így valszeg nem csak félig halott, hanem nagyon és most vagy lép a hollowja, vagy Orihime megapowerje indul be, vagy vége a sorozatnak, jön egy új főszereplő :)

/Röhögnék, ha kövi chapter, Orihime meg nem történtté tenné Ulquiorrát XDDD -az sok chaptert haszontalanná tenne-/


A hollowja nem léphet, ha halott, mivel ha Ichigo halott akkor a hollowja is halott. Tulajdonképpen ez volt mindig a gondja szegénynek, hogy Ichigo-tól függ az élete, aki szerinte gyenge. ("I won't serve a King who will just get both of us killed.")

Szal ha Ichigo halott (és elég halottnak tűnik), akkor már csak Orihime RAGE powerup, vagy egy deus ex machina mentheti meg.