
Started by Lt. Simoan Blarke, 2006-10-23, 21:38:47

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Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2012-12-11, 23:40:58
Quote from: Próféta on 2012-12-11, 22:53:55
Quote from: Lythis on 2012-12-11, 22:44:35
Quote from: Próféta on 2012-12-11, 22:37:19
Quote from: Lythis on 2012-12-11, 22:07:04
OMG Freeman Dyson in my video games?
yepp ^^
Jól emlékszem, hogy te ismered valahonnan Galántait? Őneki is vesszőparipája az öreg.

Miféle belterjes BME-sovinizmus kezd itt kialakulni?

Én is hallottam a Dyson-gömbökről, pedig sose jártam Galántai óráira.
Én sem ott hallottam róluk először... sőt, BME-s sem voltam soha.
Amúgy sovinizmus? Inb4 feminist speech about cisgenders and the patriarchy :D


Az egy dolog, hogy nem voltál BME-s, de akkoris oda jártál be eleinte az óráira, nem? ^^


Quote from: Rin on 2012-12-11, 23:47:03
Az egy dolog, hogy nem voltál BME-s, de akkoris oda jártál be eleinte az óráira, nem? ^^
Veled együtt  :hehe: (meg Blarke-al, bár ő BME-s volt/még mindig az)


Halo 4 Terminal #7 angol
[spoiler]no My dear husband, I know your crimes and I have found forgiveness. I know your reasons. I understand them. I know you perhaps better than you could ever hope to know yourself. I ask you, forgive my transgressions. Like yourself, all I have done, I have done for the greater good. Our time as the galaxy's caretakers has passed. The flood have overran us. In the days to come the halo rings will fire, eradicating the flood and all other life, for a time. I have worked hard to index all species in known space. When the time comes, these indexes will open, and once more the galaxy will breathe and grow. Blood will pump, life will claw its way out of the oceans, and through the mud. Babies will be born and grow old under the warmth of a thousand suns.

Civilizations will rise in our stead and our job as caretakers will at last bear fruit. Until then, I leave you here my love. The only living thing in this galaxy, sealed safely away. Spend these ages ahead of you in meditation on your choices. When you wake, you will find the humans. I have ensured that they will grow(? inkabb u-val mondja... pfff) strong and vibrant. They will be our rightful heirs. Their gene plan dictates, that the galaxy will be theirs to care for by then. I beg of you, find the strength to help them learn from our mistakes... And my husband, let them teach you as well, please.[/spoiler]

The end

Az index tobbesszama nem indices?
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Quote from: Cloud on 2012-12-11, 23:18:54
:zomg: Én meg azt hittem hogy majd valamikor elkezded, nem gondoltam volna hogy már ma végzel a felével. Wow...  :merci:
Soook piros mogyoros csokiii.  :haha:

A forditast viszont mas csinalja. De szerintem ezt mar te is megerted, vagy meg kene, egy-ket szo kivetelevel kb.
A transgression-t pl en sem ismertem... pfff. Meg meg parat.
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


A kérdőjeles az conscripts és sorkatonát jelent (magyarul golyófogók :) )
A transgressions itt valószínűleg vétkeket jelent.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Quote from: Cobra on 2012-12-12, 00:32:03
A kérdőjeles az conscripts és sorkatonát jelent (magyarul golyófogók :) )
A transgressions itt valószínűleg vétkeket jelent.
Aha! A conscript-et nem ismertem, es mar nem volt kedvem guglizni.
A masik szotarral kijott es ertelme is volt.
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Én a Star Trekben hallottam először a Dyson gömbről ^^"


Quote from: Kvikveg on 2012-12-11, 23:53:39
Az index tobbesszama nem indices?

Most lebuktál, te matematikus :P

Itt a tárgymutató, katalógus értelemben használja. A gyakoribb többesszáma az indexes, az indices alak a matematikai értelemben használt jelentésnél fordul elő.
Failure is the default option


Quote from: Xzone on 2012-12-12, 01:08:35
Én a Star Trekben hallottam először a Dyson gömbről ^^"
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Quote from: Cloud on 2012-12-11, 14:10:30
Történet szerint amit te írtál le csak a Spartan II-es katonákra vonatkozok. Őket tényleg elrabolták gyerekkorukban, klónokkal helyettesítették őket a szülőknél, majd elkezdték kiképzeni őket katonának, végül pedig különböző implantokat és más beültetéseket kaptak.

Wait what?  :confused:

Ez most ugye csak leírva hangzik éktelen nagy baromságnak?  :D

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2012-12-12, 10:21:31
Quote from: Cloud on 2012-12-11, 14:10:30
Történet szerint amit te írtál le csak a Spartan II-es katonákra vonatkozok. Őket tényleg elrabolták gyerekkorukban, klónokkal helyettesítették őket a szülőknél, majd elkezdték kiképzeni őket katonának, végül pedig különböző implantokat és más beültetéseket kaptak.

Wait what?  :confused:

Ez most ugye csak leírva hangzik éktelen nagy baromságnak?  :D

Nem vagy egyedül a felhorkanással, így a Halo: Glasslands könyvben Parangosky admirális (az ONI feje) pont ezért - mert Halsey gyak. hiúságból, a saját lelkiismerete megnyugtatására okozott még több szenvedést - "tünteti el" a jó professzort.


"Are you familiar with Dante's Inferno, Catherine?"

Parangosky placed a folder on the table opposite Halsey and pulled a datapad out of it before sitting down. The room was a windowless compartment in a UNSC orbital research station that Halsey had never known existed. If there was anything that told her she'd been out of favor for a very long time, it was finding that the chief scientist of the ONI had been kept in the dark about an awful lot of research.

But what did I expect? I kept others out of my pet projects. Now it's payback.

"It's been a long time since I read it," Halsey said.

"In English, or Italian?"


"Then you won't be familiar with a particularly exquisite Italian word. Contrapasso." Parangosky took an assortment of pens and styli out of her regulation black leather purse and lined them up neatly next to the folder. She was either going to make a lot of notes or sign a death warrant. "Poetic justice falls woefully short. English may be the language of Shakespeare, but when it comes to economy and elegance, you can't beat Italian."

"You're going to have to prompt me, I'm afraid."

"Contrapasso—the fortune-teller spends eternity in Hell with his head facing backward. The lovers obsessed by their lust are condemned to be locked in permanent coitus, longing for separation. Ironic and precise."

Parangosky got up and walked around to the other side of the table to stand over her, so close that Halsey could smell her faint perfume of jasmine and orange blossom. Halsey was rarely scared by anything that couldn't break bones or kill her, and although she was absolutely certain that Parangosky could arrange for both to happen, it was the sheer presence of the woman that made her bowels cramp.

"This is your contrapasso, Catherine," she said. "You've been kidnapped. You've been snatched away from all you know and hold dear. You've vanished. Only a handful of loyal and very secretive people know that you're here. And as far as the grieving world is concerned, Catherine Halsey, you are dead."

Halsey understood contrapasso perfectly now.

Parangosky was effectively the most powerful woman on Earth or off it, whatever power the UEG or Terrence Hood thought they possessed. Halsey wasn't sure if she resented that or not. She'd only ever sought to do whatever she pleased, but it was sobering to see true power exercised and realize that she could do nothing to save herself in the face of it.

But if I could walk out here now, would I? I want my martyrdom, don't I? I've done appalling things. I shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. But it suited Parangosky for decades that I did. What's changed now?

It took Halsey a couple of moments to break off from that predator's gaze and analyze the words. She'd always thought she'd spit defiance in Parangosky's face, buoyed up by the certainty that she always escaped punishment for her misdemeanors, but it wasn't like that at all. She was a helpless, scared child. And she was scared because she had no idea what was coming next or what would happen to her tomorrow, the tactic that torturers had exploited successfully since time immemorial.

And I did that too, didn't I?

Parangosky just waited. Halsey knew she deserved whatever was coming but still felt the reflex to be defiant. She recognized this as the unlikable part of her, the self that she tried to dress up as necessary, daring, and unsentimental, but that was just a streak of selfish indifference.

"So now you know how it feels when your life is utterly at someone else's disposal." Parangosky's tone was incongruously soothing. "Like I said, you're dead, Catherine, and you'll remain dead for as long as it pleases me or my successor. And in the end, you may well face the actual death penalty if I decide to try you, although it's rather unsatisfying that the charges won't relate to your worst excesses."

Halsey still felt a little indignation that she wasn't entitled to. Her guilt was becoming time-worn, familiar, something she woke with every morning; but the only reason she was sitting here was because she'd done the right thing for once in her life. And Parangosky had approved everything she'd done in the Spartan program.

More or less.

"How do you live with it, Margaret?" Halsey asked. "Do you sleep any more soundly than I do?"

Parangosky seemed to take it as a normal conversation. She looked off to one side in the way that people did when they were considering things they didn't fully remember, and shrugged.

"I spend every day ending people's lives and manipulating them, doing things that most people in uniform would consider unconscionable. I'm not going to pretend that there's some higher morality at work here, but I'm prepared to do the dirty work to spare the consciences of others, and my barbarous acts mean fewer people die than would have done if I'd played by the rules. I think that's as near as I can come to tolerating my reflection in the mirror."

"So why am I so much worse than you?"

"Oh, I'm not sure that you are. I'm a different kind of guilty. But you lied to me, Catherine."

She could have said that years ago. "About what in particular?"


"You knew about that."

"Not until years later."

"Oh, so this is about massaging the budget. You got your results, though, didn't you? You got Spartans, and they ended the war."

"My, there's a lot to unravel there. A little mythology, a little fudging of the dates and objectives ... just tell me one thing. Why the clones? What was the point of that? It was totally unnecessary."

"I think the cost was justified."

"I didn't ask you for a budget analysis. I asked why you cloned those children."

Halsey found herself focused on the pens lined up on the table. For some reason she couldn't look away from them.

I thought I was trying to put things right. I told myself I went to all that trouble to spare their parents. But I should have accepted the small odds of the clones surviving. It was just a stupid, pointless token to make myself feel less of a monster.

But it made me even more of one. And now I finally know how it feels to lose a child.

"To atone," Halsey said at last. She could hear how hollow and pathetic it sounded, a spoilt brat's excuse for killing a pet. "I didn't know those clones would die."

"You're the world's foremost expert on genetics. Why didn't you know?"

"Because it's not that simple, and you know it."

Parangosky suddenly brought her fist down on the table with a thundering crack that no ninety-year-old should have had the strength to manage. Halsey flinched. She felt the table shudder. Parangosky leaned right over her, nose to nose, and Halsey now understood why grown men feared her more than the Covenant.

"If you genuinely believed cloning would produce a healthy child identical to the one you'd abducted, then why the hell didn't you use the clones for the Spartan program instead?"

Halsey had never asked herself that question. She realized she'd made sure she hadn't. She felt herself going under.

"Answer me, Doctor. You will damn well answer me."

"It's no more or less moral than—"

"You knew. I refuse to believe you didn't. If you didn't, then you were incompetent. And that's one excuse you can never use."

Halsey had no answer, but there were worse things than being incompetent. She hadn't felt that way before. "And you knew I'd done it, eventually, so spare me the outrage."

"Think of it as late onset retribution," Parangosky rasped. Halsey had never known her to raise her voice. "We're not dependent on your skills now, so I don't have to stomach your sense of entitlement one second longer. I've had my use of you. I think you used those clone replacements to comfort yourself, not the families. Oh, don't blame me, I made new children for them, it's not my fault that it all went wrong..."

Halsey could feel her breath struggling in her throat. She wasn't going to take this. It wasn't like that at all.

She went to stand up but Parangosky pushed her down again by the shoulder. "No, damn it, you'll sit and listen for once in your life."

"Don't you dare unload all this on me." Halsey had lost control of the situation, but then she realized she'd never had any in the first place. That was the most frightening thing of all. "You approved the program. You knew it was extreme. And now you've got the gall to moralize?"

"Those families had to watch their child die."

"They didn't lie awake every night wondering if their child had been raped or murdered or was being held captive by some pervert. They had closure."

Parangosky's voice was just a hiss. "Some of those parents are still alive."

"No." Halsey shook her head. "You can't possibly know that. I kept the only set of records. And those are a pile of ash along with everything else on Reach."

"I'm the head of ONI, for God's sake. I've had copies of all your records for many years, because you're not quite as smart as you think you are." Parangosky paused. "And you'd be surprised what survived on Reach. Your journal, for example."

Out of all the things that Parangosky could have said or done, reading that journal upset Halsey more than anything. It was a child's reaction, outrage at a parent for violating her privacy, and yet she'd always written it with that subconscious eye on posterity.

"Then I don't imagine there were that many surprises for you," she said stiffly.

"You're quite a competent artist." Parangosky straightened up, all ice again without a trace of the afterburn of anger. Halsey couldn't tell if it was a careful act or just the way the woman handled her rare displays of emotion. "I've had a team of psychologists crawling over it, but I hardly needed them."

Halsey had sketched people and diagrams as well as pouring out her thoughts. "The more people who see that, the more it compromises security."

"Whose? Yours?" Parangosky walked back to her side of the table and sat down. "State secrets are to protect society. They should conceal information like jamming frequencies, troop strengths, code words. They shouldn't be used to cover up our most bestial acts or save us from embarrassment. I've drafted a statement about my role in the Spartan program and I'll be handing it to the UEG's defense committee in due course. I'm going to die sooner rather than later, and I will not take this to the grave with me."

"You realize the damage that could do to restarting the Spartan program."

"There won't be any program—not like the Spartan-Twos, anyway. Or the Spartan-Threes, if I can help it. We're back to using consenting adults now, like we did in Project Orion."


"Yes, another project you were never told about. The fourth-phase Spartans. And you know why nobody told you? Because you sabotage as much as you create, Catherine. You're not a team player. But if you think you're going to spend whatever time remains to you writing your memoirs, think again. I have work for you, work that doesn't involve manipulating people, and you'll report to someone else and do as you're told. Because if you don't, I can do whatever the hell I want with you, and nobody will lift a finger to help you. How does that sound?"

Parangosky put her pens back in her purse with slow care. She hadn't written anything after all. And she hadn't asked Halsey a single question, not really, because she already knew all the answers. Detectives always said that was the best kind of interrogation.

But it left Halsey with a lot of unanswered questions. The one that was troubling her most was still the most personal and embarrassing one.

"Who else has seen my journal?"

"At least two of your Spartans," Parangosky said, heading for the door. "I'm giving the survivors the opportunity to look at their family records if they wish. But I admit I'm not sure how to square the requirement for transparency with reopening old wounds for the surviving parents whose children really are dead now."

Parangosky slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder and opened the door. As it swung back, Halsey caught sight of an armed marine standing outside.

She was happy to accept a life sentence—damn, even a death sentence—if they'd just gave her one chance to talk to her remaining Spartans again and apologize, perhaps even try to explain.

"Admiral? Admiral!" Halsey called out before the doors swung shut. "What's going to happen to them now? The war's over. What are you going to do with them?"

Footsteps came back to the door again, and Parangosky stood in the entrance.

"That depends on what they want to do," she said. "We'll probably offer them the opportunity of pulling together the remaining Spartan-Threes and integrating them into the Spartan-Four program." Halsey had to hand it to Parangosky. She really knew how to drop the full payload on someone. "Oh, and you might want to keep this. I hope you feel it's appropriate."

Parangosky reached into the folder tucked under her arm, pulled out a photograph, and held it out to Halsey.

"I thought you'd like to see the memorial they gave you." Parangosky stared into her face with evident satisfaction. It was a picture of a plaque with its neat inscription. "Ackerson has one too. Galling as it must be for you, he died a hero. Welcome to your afterlife, Dr. Halsey."

Halsey studied the photograph as the door closed again. It took her a few seconds to work out what she was looking at, but then she understood. It was a plaque on a memorial, as Parangosky had said, and it was her epitaph.

Under her carefully engraved name, service number, date of birth, and a summary of her career, the inscription read: "Dr. Halsey was on Reach at the time of its attack by the Covenant and though no body was recovered, she is presumed dead."

As memorials went, it was rather long and not at all poetic.

She wondered how much they'd found to say about John-117.[/spoiler]
"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."


Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2012-12-12, 10:21:31
Quote from: Cloud on 2012-12-11, 14:10:30
Történet szerint amit te írtál le csak a Spartan II-es katonákra vonatkozok. Őket tényleg elrabolták gyerekkorukban, klónokkal helyettesítették őket a szülőknél, majd elkezdték kiképzeni őket katonának, végül pedig különböző implantokat és más beültetéseket kaptak.

Wait what?  :confused:

Ez most ugye csak leírva hangzik éktelen nagy baromságnak?  :D
Nem, tényleg ez történt.


Nem lett volna értelmesebb a klónokból Spartanokat csinálni?
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


A témával húzzatok át a Games topicba.

A tökéletesség unalmas.


Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2012-12-12, 01:22:59
Quote from: Kvikveg on 2012-12-11, 23:53:39
Az index tobbesszama nem indices?

Most lebuktál, te matematikus :P

Itt a tárgymutató, katalógus értelemben használja. A gyakoribb többesszáma az indexes, az indices alak a matematikai értelemben használt jelentésnél fordul elő.
:D Ja mert hogy librarian. Na ezt is jo tudni. Azt hittem az indexes 100% rossz.

Quote from: Cobra on 2012-12-12, 14:11:48
Nem lett volna értelmesebb a klónokból Spartanokat csinálni?
Biztos mas a lejarati idejuk. :)

Quote from: Selmo on 2012-12-12, 14:12:53
A témával húzzatok át a Games topicba.
Mar csak a b*zmeg hianyzik mogule...  :ejj:

Ugyan kicsit finomabban, de en is akartam javasolni.
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Fent van a neten a hammeres gázolás felvétele. A video alapján az eset nem egészen úgy történt mint ahogy a magyar rendőrség mondta.

,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."


Melyik? A megvágott vagy az eredeti?


Ez nekem új, de érzem hogy lesz pár figurám: :D


Felrakták kommentárral és vágatlanul is.


Quote from: Acchan on 2012-11-30, 18:26:40
Quote from: Kvikveg on 2012-11-30, 17:24:56
Quote from: Acchan on 2012-11-30, 12:40:31
Nem túl izgalmas ez az adománygyűjtés, de legalább van wifi a Művházban. :D
Három hétig fogunk a kollégákkal felváltva ügyeletet tartani ebben a kis irodában, hátha valaki betéved, és hoz valami adományt a rászorulóknak. Egy hét távlatából eddig nulla az eredmény.  ::)
Ez hol van es ki tud rola?

Btw. nem túl jó a promójuk, de azért mindenhová belőttek egy cikket kb., ahová csak lehetett. Igazából csak azt nem mérték fel előtte, hogy az emberek nem állnak úgy anyagilag a városban, hogy még adakozni is tudjanak.

Szerk.: itt a munkahelyem nem szervező, csak az adományok fogadását bízták ránk.

It's that time again.  ::)

Azóta került ide pár adomány, de fogalmazzunk úgy, hogy azért bőven befértem tőlük az irodába.  ^^"

Épp most jött be hozzám egy néni érdeklődni, kaptunk-e kályhát vagy hősugárzót, mert nagy szüksége lenne rá. Egy takarón kívül csak csokit meg tartós tejet hoztak - ezzel nem messzire látnak a rászorulók szvsz... :(


Quote from: Selmo on 2012-12-12, 14:12:53
A témával húzzatok át a Games topicba.
Átpakolhatod nyugodtan.

Quote from: Cobra on 2012-12-12, 14:11:48
Nem lett volna értelmesebb a klónokból Spartanokat csinálni?
A klóntechnológia szar, a klónok csak pár évig húzzák, utána kivétel nélkül kinyúlnak, szóval nem. Az összes család elveszíti a gyerekét, csak így azt hiszik, hogy természetes okokból.


Quote from: indexA buszsávban haladás ugyanis nem tartozik az objektív felelősség alapján büntethető szabálysértések körébe. Azaz a lefotózott sofőr mondhatja, hogy nem ő vezette az autót a szabálysértés elkövetésekor, így kibújhat a bírság alól.
mi vaaaaan??! nyilván pont ezt nem rakták be az objektív felelősség alá. teljesen érthető.

így már értem, hogy miért szarik mindenki a buszsávos kamerákra...

White SeeD

Másnak sem megy a t-home webmail vagy csak nekem döglött reggel óta?
Eredeti windóz 7 aktiválások száma: 6


Áááááááááááááátéltem életem első földrengését!!!!
Mivel elég kicsi volt (5.0), ezért inkább érdekes volt, mint félelmetes.
Egy egész új irodaház 4. emeletén vagyunk, és az egész épület kilengett. Földrengésbiztos alapzatra van építve, ezért a rengés után még hintázott az egész egy darabig.
Tegnap hajnal 1-kor volt egy másik, ami kicsit kisebb volt, de sokkal közelebb volt az epicentrum. Azt átaludtam simán :)
Amúgy üdv mindenkinek Costa Ricából, eddig főleg meló volt, de hétvégén megyünk szétnézni, majd tolok fel 1-2 képet.
Nothing amazing happens here, and you get used to that: used to a world where everything is ordinary.
Every day we spend here is like a whole lifetime of dying slowly.


Costa Rica. Széééép.

Amúgy még gimis koromban vidéken nálunk is volt földrengés, mozgott az egész iskola meg a tanterem, utána napokig mindenki arról beszélt. Meg a hírek is teli voltak vele.


Quote from: White SeeD on 2012-12-13, 16:27:52
Másnak sem megy a t-home webmail vagy csak nekem döglött reggel óta?
ment gond nélkül egész nap nekünk


Quote from: motifator on 2012-12-13, 19:46:48
Áááááááááááááátéltem életem első földrengését!!!!
Mivel elég kicsi volt (5.0), ezért inkább érdekes volt, mint félelmetes.
Egy egész új irodaház 4. emeletén vagyunk, és az egész épület kilengett. Földrengésbiztos alapzatra van építve, ezért a rengés után még hintázott az egész egy darabig.
Tegnap hajnal 1-kor volt egy másik, ami kicsit kisebb volt, de sokkal közelebb volt az epicentrum. Azt átaludtam simán :)
Amúgy üdv mindenkinek Costa Ricából, eddig főleg meló volt, de hétvégén megyünk szétnézni, majd tolok fel 1-2 képet.
Amíg tudsz posztolni addig nem vagy a romok alatt.

,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."


Ki tudja, lehet, van wifi.