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File: 1112264363527.jpg -(387839 B, 1000x1062) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
387839 No.793  

Ki tudja felsorolni mindet?

>> No.794  
File: 1112264509812.png -(1908289 B, 1000x1062) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

számozott verzió

>> No.796  

From Wakachan:
1 . Taishi (Comic Party)
2. Cloud (Final Fantasy 7)
3. PataPi (Cyber Team in Akihabara)
8. Rude (Final Fantasy 7)
9. Chiyo (Azumanga)
11. Vash (Trigun)
15. Yuffie (Final Fantasy 7)
16. Ryou-ohki (Tenchi Muyo)
18. Rei (Evangelion)
22. Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh)
24. Aeris (Final Fantasy 7)
28. Sha Gojo (Saiyuki)
29. Seifer (Final Fantasy 8)
30. Belldandy (Ah! My Goddess)
31. Akabane Kurodo/Dr. Jackal (Get Backers)
32. Pokute (Guu)
35. Happosai (Ranma)
40. Maya (Tenjo Tenge)
46. Reiko (Ridge Racer)
47. Ryouko (Tenchi Muyo)
48. Yoh (Shaman King)
50. Squall (Final Fantasy 8)
51. Fungi spirit (Princess Monoke)
53. Kappa-like thing (DiGi Charat)
55. Nadia (Secret of Blue Water)
65. Mousse (Ranma)
67. Anna (Shaman King)
70. Hikaru (Hikaru no Go)
74. Pikachu (Pokemon)
78. Sai (Hikaru no Go)
79. Sasami (Tenchi Muyo)
80. Ruri (Nadesico)
89. Zoro (One Piece)
103. Sanji (One Piece)
104. Lulu (Final Fantasy 10)
106. Yuna (Final Fantasy 10)
108. Lina (Slayers)
109. Kimura (Azumanga)
115. Kuririn (Dragon Ball)
117. Kamui (X)
119. Eiko (Final Fantasy 9)
126. Tidus (Final Fantasy 10)
130. More pokute (Guu)
134. Evil biting cat (Azumanga)
137. Chocobo (Final Fantasy)
140. Chiyo's father (Azumanga)
141. Nuku-nuku
146. Usopp (One Piece)
148. Yu (Comic Party)
152. Kitaro's father (Gegege no Kitaro)
154. Guu (Guu)
155. Hale (Guu)
160. Sakaki (Azumanga)
164. Garnet (Final Fantasy 9)
165. Buggy (One Piece)
168. Fuma (X)
169. Chopper (One Piece)
170. Tifa (Final Fantasy 7)
171. Hyatt (Excel Saga)
173. Son Goku (Saiyuki)
178. The Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile)
180. P-chan (Ranma)
181. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)
183. Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth)
184. Dejiko (DiGi Charat)
188. Gema (DiGi Charat)
193. Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
197. Barret (Final Fantasy 7)
19: Rock Lee, Naruto
26: Akari, Battle Athletes
62: Tohru, Fruits Basket
82: Lain?
86: Banpei? AMG
87: Hinata, Naruto
95: Andersson, Hellsing
138: Persona? Gakuen Alice
139: Naruto
144: Kakashi, Naruto
145: Neco Coneco, Azumanga
4. Arisa Uotani (Fruits Basket)
5. Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket)
12. Sunny Pig
61. Kisa Sohma (Fruits Basket)
77. Shigure Sohma (Fruits Basket)
93. Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
105. Ayame Sohma (Fruits Basket)
107. Hatsuharu Sohma (Fruits Basket)?
131. Kagura Sohma (Fruits Basket)?
132. Kyou Sohma (Fruits Basket)
162. Yuusuke Urameshi (Yuu Yuu Hakusho)
174. Creature (name eludes me) from Saber Marionette J (I think)
177. Hiei (Yuu Yuu Hakusho)
198. Isn't that the old guy from Urusei Yatsura?
56. (Tenjou Tenge)
68. Ghost Sweeper Mikami
91. Parasyte
152. Akari House (Battle Athletes)

>> No.797  


jó, kimásolni én is ki tudom...
gondoltam magunktól :(

>> No.804  

Sajnos elég kevesen látogatják a képgalériát, akik pedig rendszeresen, azoknak pedig nincs arra idejük, hogy ilyen dolgokkal foglalkozzanak, mint ahogy nekem sem...

Egyébként alapból felismertem kb. a negyedét.:)

>> No.813  

95 a pap a hellsingböl 97 Inuyusa? 136 Final fantasy tízbö a main karakter, homár, 22 yugi,
179 ff7 böla csaj

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