4chan pwn4g3, random blődségek és trollságok.

Started by Rounin, 2006-11-23, 21:02:00

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Quote from: Én on 2008-07-28, 21:24:21
Quote from: .Attila on 2008-07-28, 16:07:33
It's back up as of ~2:00AM EDT. In order to access the site, you may need to flush your DNS cache and clear your hosts file (if you've modified it). Updated DNS should propagate fully in the next 24-48 hours or so.
Hmm és ezt hogy? FF-ben megcsináltam a személyes adatok törlését, de úgy nem enged. Bocs, hülye vagyok ehhez... ^^"
Ez bejön?

Ha igen, akkor tényleg a régi névfeloldás cacheltsége a gond. Parancssorba írd:
ipconfig /flushdns
Vagy simán várj.


Fogalmam sincs, nekem kapásból ment.
Nem tudom, mi az a DNS cache...


Quote from: Próféta on 2008-07-28, 21:42:20

Ha igen, akkor tényleg a régi névfeloldás cacheltsége a gond. Parancssorba írd:
ipconfig /flushdns

Jutalmad: Nyanroll fandub ( :zomg: )



Quote from: Én on 2008-07-28, 21:57:28
Quote from: Próféta on 2008-07-28, 21:42:20

Ha igen, akkor tényleg a régi névfeloldás cacheltsége a gond. Parancssorba írd:
ipconfig /flushdns

Jutalmad: Nyanroll fandub ( :zomg: )

Te jutalomból büntetni szoktál?





QuoteYou are going to like this. True story. It was the end of 8th grade, and my best friend threw a little party because his parents were away for a couple days. What kind of party can an 8th grader throw, you know? So only about 7 people showed up. 6 dudes...1 girl.

Just as you would expect, some crazy shit happened. This girl was a freak, but hot as hell. She would always have that seductive look on her face... the kind that gets you aroused just by looking at her. We were all good friends in school, but never really chilled outside of it. We were all about 14, and really sexually inexperienced. This girl however, has fucked at least 20 different guys. From the moment she walked in the house, we could tell what she wanted.

Lost in her desire, she began to grind up on the host. They made out for about 10 mins, but this girl wanted more. She made us all go into the host's room, and play a modified version of spin the bottle. Basically, instead of just making out, she would decide what to do with the guy. At first we were shy, but pretty soon we all started to jack off while the girl did whatever she pleased.

The situation quickly escalated. She was getting fucked in turns, by 3 different guys, fighting over her pussy like the kids that they were. I would've joined them, but then she waved me to come over. My dick was probably the hardest it's ever been. Sticking straight out, and pulsating; I felt like it was gonna explode. To my surprise, she grabbed it and just stuck it in her mouth without warning. I had never had my dick sucked before, but let me tell you, it was amazing.

Game as it was, I was ready to cum in seconds. I didn't know what to do, so I asked her where I should blow my load. And at that moment, she said something I will never forget. She turned to me and said, "read the first word in each paragraph."


Failure is the default option


Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-08-01, 17:25:00
QuoteYou are going to like this. True story. It was the end of 8th grade, and my best friend threw a little party because his parents were away for a couple days. What kind of party can an 8th grader throw, you know? So only about 7 people showed up. 6 dudes...1 girl.

Just as you would expect, some crazy shit happened. This girl was a freak, but hot as hell. She would always have that seductive look on her face... the kind that gets you aroused just by looking at her. We were all good friends in school, but never really chilled outside of it. We were all about 14, and really sexually inexperienced. This girl however, has fucked at least 20 different guys. From the moment she walked in the house, we could tell what she wanted.

Lost in her desire, she began to grind up on the host. They made out for about 10 mins, but this girl wanted more. She made us all go into the host's room, and play a modified version of spin the bottle. Basically, instead of just making out, she would decide what to do with the guy. At first we were shy, but pretty soon we all started to jack off while the girl did whatever she pleased.

The situation quickly escalated. She was getting fucked in turns, by 3 different guys, fighting over her pussy like the kids that they were. I would've joined them, but then she waved me to come over. My dick was probably the hardest it's ever been. Sticking straight out, and pulsating; I felt like it was gonna explode. To my surprise, she grabbed it and just stuck it in her mouth without warning. I had never had my dick sucked before, but let me tell you, it was amazing.

Game as it was, I was ready to cum in seconds. I didn't know what to do, so I asked her where I should blow my load. And at that moment, she said something I will never forget. She turned to me and said, "read the first word in each paragraph."

It's beautiful!  :borul: to OP

Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2008-08-01, 18:43:01
O hai, I'm in your New York Times, analyzing your /b/
Ez a cikk nagyon jó szerintem, nice find! :jee:


Racism floating around pool
America is serious business.

Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-08-02, 03:19:57
Egyébként a SW-t thread/hour-ban hasonlítani lehet a Geass R2höz (és ezt a kettőt SEMMI még csak meg sem közelíti), ez jelent valamit. :D
(bár még él: http://zip.4chan.org/a/res/13599926.html )




Quote from: .Attila on 2008-08-06, 12:33:31
Quote from: Xzone on 2008-08-06, 12:05:28
Ez de szar.

Ez most micsoda, mit kell látni rajta?

Mondjuk úgy: hány nagyon ciki részletet tudsz felfedezni a képen?




Mootnak jól sikerült az 1 órás karbantartás.


Failure is the default option


hostfile 4chan.org www.4chan.org orz.4chan.org tmp.4chan.org zip.4chan.org bin.4chan.org img.4chan.org dat.4chan.org cgi.4chan.org nov.4chan.org rs.4chan.org dis.4chan.org

You know what do.


Nem teljesen értem.

Ha ezeket beírom a (system32\whatever)/etc/hosts-ba, akkor bejön.
Ha nem (márpedig inkább nem), akkor nem, ha az IP-címmel próbálkozom, akkor sem.
Failure is the default option


Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2008-08-10, 01:30:01
Ha nem (márpedig inkább nem), akkor nem, ha az IP-címmel próbálkozom, akkor sem.
Hiába fordulsz hozzá IP-vel, azonnal redirectel http://www.4chan.org/index.html címre, ami pedig újfent nem jön be, ha a hosts-ba nem írod be.






...at least it's not CG.
[spoiler]baaaaaaaaaaw my Sanya missed it by 52 ;_;[/spoiler]



Oh, haha.
Tényleg van olyan barom, aki anélkül futtat scriptet, hogy akár csak sejtené is, mit csinál? És pont 4chanról? Tényleg megértünk az atomra. :D


Ennek a js-nek aztán sok értelme van.
Bár gondolom jól leterheli a szervert.

