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Started by Felsmuk, 2005-02-17, 08:36:12

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[spoiler=shiyatload of pasta, hogy legyen mit olvasni, ha nagyon nincs más dolgod...]Excerpts of 2.4 patch notes
Dungeons and Raids

All 25- player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop and additional token!
Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped.
Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been significantly increased.
Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher rate.
Diminishing Returns on Honor, Spell Haste to reduce Global Cooldown as well, raiding improvements, fear ward, shaman healing, and much much more!

Remember, all the info is 2.4, it's not live now!

Netherstorm summoning
We're going to lift the summoning restriction in Netherstorm.

Spell Steal upgrade
Spellsteal will no longer overwrite a longer duration buff.

Arena Shadow Sight (see invis)
We have another change to the Arena that could alter things some as well. I thought it would be worth noting that we've made a change to Shadow Sight in patch 2.4. It is now going to increase damage taken by 5% rather than dealing damage over time. The duration has also been reduced from 21 seconds to 15 seconds.

Daily Fishing quests

New Fishing Daily Quests! Visit the mysterious old man fishing at Silmyr Lake outside of Shattrath City to discover what treasures he has to offer.

Feral Druids gets a buff
The Feral bears will be seeing an improvement with Lacerate dealing additional damage based on your attack power.

Fury Warrior crit buff
While I agree there is no exact number to shoot for in crit, in 2.4 we plan to make the off-hand weapon critical hits from Whirlwind trigger Flurry and Rampage which should improve damage a bit.

Endless Rage will grant more rage
The fix in 2.4 should have Endless Rage provide significantly more rage.

More excerpts of 2.4 patch notes

Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.
Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.

Players will now be able to purchase level 70 Superior quality PvP items from reputation vendors.
Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a result.
Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time.

Diminishing returns removed from Honor
As the PTR approaches we wanted to give everyone a preview of one of the larger changes for PvP that's currently planned for the 2.4 patch.

Currently, diminishing returns are applied to all honorable kills. What diminishing returns mean for honor is that each subsequent kill of the same target will reward you with less and less honor; 10% less per kill to be exact. One of the major downsides to diminishing returns is that the calculations, for potentially hundreds of thousands of players, is too intense to do real time, so they are calculated during off-peak hours. This in turn requires that the honor you gain be temporarily displayed as "estimated" until the calculations are run. It's a system that we've certainly improved (moving the calculation from weekly to daily) but still always disliked. It creates a very uninteresting and sometimes aggravating or confusing detachment from your achievements and the actual reward.

The reason for diminishing returns has always been to avoid the potential exploitation of the honor system. As the game has evolved, especially the honor and battleground systems, exploitation of the honor system now without diminishing returns would no longer be considered a lucrative alternative to simply participating in a battleground normally. We've also greatly improved our ability to monitor and track exploitation of this nature.

We've reached a point where we're now confident that applying diminishing returns to honor is no longer necessary, and we're currently planning to remove it with the 2.4 patch.

With this change we're including a few restrictions as well though: Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will not be worth any honor, and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won't be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle.

What the removal of diminishing returns means for you is that as soon as you defeat an opponent that rewards you honor, you will receive that honor, and you will be able to spend it right then. There will no longer be an estimate, and you will no longer need to wait until the next day until you can actually spend it. Your achievements through honor-based PvP will be instantaneous.

Raiding Improvements
We have a few changes planned for patch 2.4 that we'd like to share a little bit with you. First, all 25-player raid bosses will drop more gold and those who dropped set tokens will drop one additional token. Additionally, the the loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to bind-on-equip. These two outdoor raid bosses will also drop much more gold than before as well.

Lastly, Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher.

Looting UI changes
Since I've decided there's absolutely no relevant thread I could ever find to throw out this info...

We're making some improvements to the way the looting UI and related functions work in 2.4. These are just a couple of the changes planned.

First when you loot a Bind on Pickup item that only you can pick up (such as Heroic Badges) you'll no longer see the confirmation dialog. One less pop-up to deal with, obviously you want your badges, AMIRITE?

Also when you loot a Bind of Pickup item the confirmation window is going to list the name of the item in the window. You'll be able to identify that you're getting the right items much easier now.

There are a few more but I won't ruin all the surprises.

Ritual of Summoning restrictions removed
Patch 2.4 will remove the restriction for Ritual of Summoning that prevents you from summoning players into instances. Provided the player meets the instance requirements, you'll be able to summon them in from anywhere in the world.

Casting Fear Ward while in Shadow Form
Maybe being able to use Fear Ward while in Shadow Form would help? Yeah, I like this idea, we'll roll with it in the next patch.

Conjured Manna Biscuits changes
I do know that in patch 2.4 players can only carry 80 of your delicious conjured manna biscuits at one time. As a result, you should experience less banquet-creating frustration. Sorry, the spell icon will remain the same and not look any more new or unique.

Healing Grace talent
One thing that will help is that in patch 2.4, healing grace will reduce the chance that all of your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.

Transmutation & Void Stones
Well aren't you the little Nostradamus for the day.

You're pretty close, but it's actually going to be a part of Enchanting. Once every 24 hours, through Enchanting (not Alchemy) you'll be able to split a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards. This is through a new recipe that's being added in 2.4.

This helps reduce the exorbitant prices currently being seen for Large Prismatics, and helps raise the value of the Void Crystals. While this is the only change planned in 2.4 to help the Void Crystal prices, we're still looking at the possibility of additional 'help' for Void Crystal value in the future.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=igen, ezeket a kisujjamból szoptam]

sry, lusta voltam átnevezni, de kb sorrendben vannak a pastához szerintem[/spoiler]


" Can moonkins be given lasers..."  :whoah:  :lol:

TL:DR :lazza:


nya, bementem suliba s megnéztem h ott is levágja e a netet, ha WoWozok laptopon. 1 órán át keresztül játszottam, de nem történt ilyesmi.
Ebből gondolom, hogy a routerrel lehet vlm gond...múltkor már írtam, hogy 7.0ás linksys wrt54g(igen, a szarabb)-om van...esetleg vlm beállítás lehet ami blokkolná?
Vagy talán egy firmware upd. kéne.-.-

A Wow milyen porton keresztül is kommunikál?


Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-08, 15:04:03
nya, bementem suliba s megnéztem h ott is levágja e a netet, ha WoWozok laptopon. 1 órán át keresztül játszottam, de nem történt ilyesmi.
Ebből gondolom, hogy a routerrel lehet vlm gond...múltkor már írtam, hogy 7.0ás linksys wrt54g(igen, a szarabb)-om van...esetleg vlm beállítás lehet ami blokkolná?
Vagy talán egy firmware upd. kéne.-.-

A Wow milyen porton keresztül is kommunikál?
Hát azzal nagyon melléfogtál, nekem is olyan volt, de kicseréltettem egy gl-esre, mert csomószor szakadt a net. Bár pár napja ismét szakadozik, de ez most T-lány miatt van, mert egy csomóan panaszkodnak különböző fórumokon. A routerrel nem tudsz mit csinálni, csak lecserélni, annó nekem a firmware frissítés sem javított semmit.


Jéé most nem volt pfffh a hozzászólásodba.Pffh milyen gáz vagy  :smile:.


Quote from: Soul on 2008-02-09, 02:11:57
Jéé most nem volt pfffh a hozzászólásodba.Pffh milyen gáz vagy  :smile:.


Quote from: JaFaR on 2008-02-08, 21:55:11
Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-08, 15:04:03
nya, bementem suliba s megnéztem h ott is levágja e a netet, ha WoWozok laptopon. 1 órán át keresztül játszottam, de nem történt ilyesmi.
Ebből gondolom, hogy a routerrel lehet vlm gond...múltkor már írtam, hogy 7.0ás linksys wrt54g(igen, a szarabb)-om van...esetleg vlm beállítás lehet ami blokkolná?
Vagy talán egy firmware upd. kéne.-.-

A Wow milyen porton keresztül is kommunikál?
Hát azzal nagyon melléfogtál, nekem is olyan volt, de kicseréltettem egy gl-esre, mert csomószor szakadt a net. Bár pár napja ismét szakadozik, de ez most T-lány miatt van, mert egy csomóan panaszkodnak különböző fórumokon. A routerrel nem tudsz mit csinálni, csak lecserélni, annó nekem a firmware frissítés sem javított semmit.

oh wuzz.-.- ha tudtam volna...


Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-09, 09:52:34
Quote from: JaFaR on 2008-02-08, 21:55:11
Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-08, 15:04:03
nya, bementem suliba s megnéztem h ott is levágja e a netet, ha WoWozok laptopon. 1 órán át keresztül játszottam, de nem történt ilyesmi.
Ebből gondolom, hogy a routerrel lehet vlm gond...múltkor már írtam, hogy 7.0ás linksys wrt54g(igen, a szarabb)-om van...esetleg vlm beállítás lehet ami blokkolná?
Vagy talán egy firmware upd. kéne.-.-

A Wow milyen porton keresztül is kommunikál?
Hát azzal nagyon melléfogtál, nekem is olyan volt, de kicseréltettem egy gl-esre, mert csomószor szakadt a net. Bár pár napja ismét szakadozik, de ez most T-lány miatt van, mert egy csomóan panaszkodnak különböző fórumokon. A routerrel nem tudsz mit csinálni, csak lecserélni, annó nekem a firmware frissítés sem javított semmit.

oh wuzz.-.- ha tudtam volna...
Milyen régen vetted? Garis még?


Quote from: JaFaR on 2008-02-09, 11:03:22
Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-09, 09:52:34
Quote from: JaFaR on 2008-02-08, 21:55:11
Quote from: Alkyra on 2008-02-08, 15:04:03
nya, bementem suliba s megnéztem h ott is levágja e a netet, ha WoWozok laptopon. 1 órán át keresztül játszottam, de nem történt ilyesmi.
Ebből gondolom, hogy a routerrel lehet vlm gond...múltkor már írtam, hogy 7.0ás linksys wrt54g(igen, a szarabb)-om van...esetleg vlm beállítás lehet ami blokkolná?
Vagy talán egy firmware upd. kéne.-.-

A Wow milyen porton keresztül is kommunikál?
Hát azzal nagyon melléfogtál, nekem is olyan volt, de kicseréltettem egy gl-esre, mert csomószor szakadt a net. Bár pár napja ismét szakadozik, de ez most T-lány miatt van, mert egy csomóan panaszkodnak különböző fórumokon. A routerrel nem tudsz mit csinálni, csak lecserélni, annó nekem a firmware frissítés sem javított semmit.

oh wuzz.-.- ha tudtam volna...
Milyen régen vetted? Garis még?

nagykerben haverom keresztül s asszem erre nem adtak garit.-.-


2.4 patchnotes: véleményem a sig-emben.


Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-09, 13:25:36
2.4 patchnotes: véleményem a sig-emben.

nem lett meg a nagy megváltás a samiknak.-.-

nem nagyon változtattak a dolgokon pvp ügyben.(mármint balance terén)


Igazából a pvp egyre kevésbbé izgat, de hogy minek a 0 allá nerfelni a PVEt, azt nem értem. De legalább kapok jó kis title-t a preqkért.


Tudom h klise meg gondolom nektek is a konyokotokon jon ki de itt a penz dominal nincs mit tenni, ha a jol ismert Verpistike beveri az oregharcos Maghteridont akkor orulni fog es befizeti a kovetkezo honapot is. Ha utana lenyomja majd Leo-t, Void-ot es wipeolgat egy sort ssc/tk elejen szol a baratjanak h mekkora kiralysag ez a wow gyere te is tolni. Ezzel a resszel a blizzard meg is oldotta a ceg dolgozoinak mindennapi kenyereert folytatott harcot, mivel tobb Verpistike fog megjelenni mint ahany hc ember hagyja abba a jatekot a nerfek miatt. Sajnos ez van, mar csak a jatek nagyon kis hanyada jelent kihivast.


Tiszta sor, de attól még háborogni lehet, nem? :)


Legalább lesz megint egy cool titulusunk, amiről minden nap 10 ember megkérdezi honnan van :)


Szvsz az egyetlen jól hangzó pve cím a Scarab lord. Azt meg már lehetetlen beszerezni. :)

Mondanom sem kell, hogy a Blizz R&D fórumán milyen tippelgetések vannak, hogy "mit csinál A'dal keze unalmas délutánokon" :D

Aki meg ezek után skippeli Kaelt meg Vashjt, az bizony két encountert is kihagy a legjobb 5 TBCsből (nálam ezek sorrend nélkül Vashj, Kael, Teron, Archi, Illidan)


Quote from: Darkstar on 2008-02-09, 23:55:07
Szvsz az egyetlen jól hangzó pve cím a Scarab lord. Azt meg már lehetetlen beszerezni. :)

Mondanom sem kell, hogy a Blizz R&D fórumán milyen tippelgetések vannak, hogy "mit csinál A'dal keze unalmas délutánokon" :D

Aki meg ezek után skippeli Kaelt meg Vashjt, az bizony két encountert is kihagy a legjobb 5ből (nálam ezek sorrend nélkül Vashj, Kael, Teron, Archi, Illidan)

A fekete bogár mount se volt semmi. Nekem csak kék meg sárga volt, azok passzoltak az armoromhoz :)

A Reliquary of Soulst kihagytad! Nekem az a kedvencem a tier 6-os fightok közül.


QuotePatch notes for build (acquired from a reliable source)


Scale of the Sands, Ashtongue Deathsworn, and Shattered Sun Offensive have all combined forces in their fight against the forces of Evil. All players will be granted exalted reputation with this new faction upon entering Outlands.

A mysterious sorcerer has been spotted at the World's End Tavern in Shattrath. Players in good standing with the new alliance faction will be granted free passage to any of the existing Dungeons (both 5 man and raid)


All items previously purchaceable with honor are now freely handed out by the warmasters.

Players with no arena teams will be awarded 500 arena points each week by default.


Gold gained from daily quests has been substantionally increased.


Alchemy - flask duration increased to 24 hours.

Herbalism range increased by 3 yards.

Dungeons and Raids

Dying in a raid instance no longer causes durability loss.

Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter Karazhan.

There will now be a portal by the entrance of each instance, allowing the player to teleport to any chosen boss in the instance.

Players who have farmed Sunwell for 6 months or longer will be granted the title, "Shield of Shattrath"

All creatures are now susceptible to all types of attacks; furthermore, most adds summoned by raid bosses are no longer immune to crowd control effects.

Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal

Rage Winterchill no longer uses Death and Decay ability. Frostbolt no longer has a damage overtime effect.

Anetheron no longer has the Inferno ability.

Mark of Kazrogal now has a 45 second cooldown - it will no longer reduce as the fight goes on.

Azgalor's Doom is now a damage overtime ability causing 4000 shadow damage over 12 seconds.

Archimonde's Doomfire no longer places a damage overtime effect on the afflicted players; furthermore, Doomfire now always moves in a straight line.

Airburst ability has been removed from the game.

Black Temple

Supremus will now spawn volcanoes at an increased rate.

Shade of Akama event has been replaced with a Locked Khorium Chest - it requires at least 50 lockpicking skill to open it.

Teron's Shadow of Death now only creates one shadowy construct.

Gurtogg's Bloodboil no longer stacks.

Essence of Suffering now reduces healing effects done by 50%.

Essence of Desire no longer uses spirit shock ability.

Essence of Anger will now properly fixate upon a single target that is first to attack it, ignoring threat completely. Soul scream damage significantly reduced.

Mother Shahraz can no longer pick 3 players as targets for a Fatal Attraction.

Illidari Council's Health pool reduced by 75%.

Illidan's Shear ability now has a 5 second cast time. Parasitic Shadowfiends have been removed from the game. Flames of Azzinoth no longer posses a fiery blaze. Eyebeam damage has been reduced, and it is now resistable. Shadow Fiends ability removed. Flame Burst is no longer an AoE attack. Shadow Blast is no longer an AoE attack.

Maiev will now always place her traps directly underneath Illidan; players may also notice her joining the fight substantially earlier.

Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern

This instance has been removed from the game.

Tempest Keep: The Eye

This instance has been removed from the game.

Magtheridon's Lair

Magtheridon now gives his loot to players if asked nicely.


Badge of Justice vendors now sell Tier 6 tokens.

Warglaives of Azzinoth are now available from a vendor in Silithus upon completing the Fall of the Betrayer quest.



PVEn csináltam egy gayelf papot és elsőre sikerült átúszni. :D

Ed.: Mozogni nem sokat lehet, mert ha 10 méternél messzebb megyek a parttól, kb azonnal oneshotolnak a mobok. :D



Nem is tudtam, hogy már benn van az új sziget...bár igaz, hogy kb. 1/5 hónapja nem logoltam be.
Mi ez a sok holttest a képeken, az őrök mindenkit betámadnak, vagy mi? Vagy csak simán támadhatók... :lazza:

Ed.: persze, hogy editeled közben a postod.  :D


A vízben mindenki meghal a fatigue damagetől, aki nem pala vagy priest, ott azért sok a hulla. A szárazon a mobok miatt. :)

Ja, és még nincs bent, ez csak PTR


Hmmm....PTR-re fel lehet menni frozen accal?  :D


QuoteAuthentication and eligibility
The PTR authentication server was updated on February 1st 2008, if your account was not active on this date you will not have access to the 2.4 PTR.



Lehet lassan veszek egy gamecardot, már elvonási tüneteim vannak. Főleg, mikor linkelgettek képeket.  :D


QuoteCharacter copies to the Public Test Realms are currently disabled while we investigate an issue that was found with the PTR character copies. We currently do not have an ETA on when they will be reactivated, but will provide updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience.

The World of Warcraft team

Nem is a Blizz lene. :D

Ed.: az új warlock pet (LOL)


Ez kemény.  :D Az oké, hogy PTR, de ekkora bug már kicsit túlzás. Úgy látszik, ennyire figyeltek oda, mikor az új bossokat dolgozták ki.