Fate/Stay night - SPOILERS

Started by Lazzaret, 2006-01-20, 22:07:13

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Quote from: Flaser on 2009-12-13, 08:45:43
Unlimited Blade Works - Trailer ezúttal eyecancer és retinarape nélkül.

Köszi, jól néz ki, még youtube-on is. :)


Újabb előzetes a Comiket 77-ről, egyelőre csak handycam-es:
"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."


"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."


Vajon nálunk is vetiteni fogják a mozikban???  :lol:
Esélytelen  :D



Remélhetőleg tavasszal lesz már BD rip.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."


A változatosság kedvéért egy újabb handycam-es előzetes a UWB moziról:


...és a lényeg:

DVD/BD megjelenés 2010.09.30.
"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."



"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."


Ez tényleg nagyon összecsapott lett. A harcok nagyon jól lettek kivitelezve, meg a grafika végig elsőosztályú, de a történetből nem sok maradt meg sajnos.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !

Kuroi Tenshi

Quote from: Rounin on 2006-09-06, 06:06:00
Most fejeztem be... gyűlölöm.
Azt hiszem, most alszok, utána meló, majd átrágom magam a topicon, közben ezernyi sebet ejtek saját kis lelkemen a történet újra és újraátgondolásával.
FU World.

Néha szeretnék happy endet. Csak egy kicsit.

Edit: az utolsó endinget nem volt erőm végignézni/hallgatni.
Majd este.

Thread-necro ftw :)

I feel ya, bro. Nekem is lehangoló volt a vége, úgyis kedvem támadt egy kis
MDB-diszkográfiához. De sajnos a végkifejlet adott volt: a harc befejeztekor
úgyis visszatér a talonba, csak úgy maradhatott volna ebben a világban, ha
Shirou megitatja egy adag folyékony bűnnel; viszont ez még nem elég,
Gilgames is csak emberek lelkeivel tudta fenntartani létét, amibe sem Saber,
sem Shirou nem ment volna bele, s mivel az utolsó parancs is elfogyott már,
Saber valószínűleg inkább meghalt volna, minthogy ehhez folyamodjon.

Btw, nekem úgy tűnt, hogy a Berserkeres harcnál, Rin nem Shirou egy adag
mágikus képességét ültette át Saberbe, hanem egy adag szégyenlősségét
és emberi természetét? :D Azután kezdett el pironkodni, ill. mosolyogni is;
legjobb párhuzam talán a két fürdős-jelenet.


Quote from: Kuroi Tenshi on 2011-11-06, 20:38:27
Btw, nekem úgy tűnt, hogy a Berserkeres harcnál, Rin nem Shirou egy adag
mágikus képességét ültette át Saberbe, hanem egy adag szégyenlősségét
és emberi természetét? :D Azután kezdett el pironkodni, ill. mosolyogni is;
legjobb párhuzam talán a két fürdős-jelenet.
[spoiler]Nem volt ott semmiféle átültetés... Saber-t annak rendje és módja szerint gerincrevágták, csak ugye kellett a PG-13, ezért lett benyírva helyette a transzplantálós, sárkányos bullshit.[/spoiler]

Kuroi Tenshi

Már megint térdig belegázolsz a gyermeki ártatlan lelkembe :frown:
[spoiler] :rotfl:[/spoiler]


Kotomine Kirei: Psychotherapist Extraordinaire

Kotomine Kirei gave the sheet in front of him one last glance, before turning his gaze upon the boy lying stretched out on the couch.

Name: Emiya Shirou.
Age: 18 (Records were inconclusive on this).
Occupation: Student.
Purpose of visit: Privacy requested.

"So then, Emiya Shirou," He began, taking out a notepad and pen. "Tell me exactly what the issue is, in your own words."

"Well..." The boy began, his voice hesitant. "I'm having problems... In a personal setting."

"Ah." Kirei nodded in understanding. "In that case, perhaps it would be better to see a pharmacist...?"

"Not that kind of problem!" Shirou replied, nearly shouting. He paused, and composed himself. "I mean... that's fine. It's, well, it's a weird problem. I don't know how to say it."

"Start from the beginning." Kotomine prompted. Shirou nodded.


"Shirou..." The blonde beneath him whispered, voice a moan. Her body, slim and perfectly formed, was flushed pink, her breath excited.

He kissed her, stifling her moans with his mouth as Saber writhed against him. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leant her back, getting her into position. She gave no resistance, merely looking at him with a mix of expectation and desire.

He moved forward and-

He was floating above a plain of fire, molten rock heaving below him. In front of him, a huge form, it's very presence releasing waves of power, reared, fixing him with draconic eyes. Fitting, given that it was a fucking huge dragon.

"Wait, what the fu-" He began, shock at his new surroundings filling his mind. The beast didn't give him a chance to finish. It's maw shot forwards, its fangs, each almost the size of his entire body, glistening in the orange light.

He shouted in pain as they tore through him, ripping apart his body with ease. He spiralled down towards the fire, which seemed to leap up to meet him, burning away at his form, causing untold agony to sear through every single nerve he possessed. He opened his mouth, but the molten rock pouted down his throat, scorching his insides, even as the great drake above bent down, seeking to finish its meal.

And there was nothing he could do, but to-

He was back in his room, staring into Saber's vivid, green eyes. She smiled at him, her expression satisfied and happy.

"Shirou... That... was amazing."


Kotomine stared at the boy. "So you're saying that when you attempt to make love with this woman, you... hallucinate yourself being eaten by a dragon?"

Shirou nodded.

"I see..." Kotomine said, scribbling a few observations down on his notepad. "Have you considered that the fault is your partners? Sometimes, certain stimuli can create-" He stopped as Shirou shook his head.

"No. It's not just her..." He admitted, face embarrassed. "I... Well..."

"At you age, experimentation with several partners is not unusual." Kotomine said reassuringly. "What is more important is being completely honest with me, so that I might help you."

Shirou nodded again, then continued.


He kissed Rin's neck, trailing upwards towards her face. She squirmed beneath him, embarrassment obvious by the scarlet tint of he face.

"Shirou...!" She said, half a chastisement and half a moan. She made no move to stop him though, so he continued kissing her, eventually reaching her lips. Their mouths locked together, and his arms encircled her, drawing their naked bodies together. As their kiss grew more frantic, he began to move towards her. She noticed it, but seemed to welcome it, merely redoubling the intensity of the kiss.

He moved forward and-

He was floating in a blue void. Actually, that wasn't quite right. All around him, sparkling blue gemstones glowed softly, creating a tranquil scene that soothed his heart. Even so, he spun, looking around furiously.

"Again? Really?" He shouted in anger, hands clenching into fists. There came no answer, so he merely sat down, the nothingness below him somehow supporting him. Well, it wasn't like this was supposed to make any bloody sense.

Suddenly, he noted a movement out of the corner of his eye. A shape was moving towards him. No, more than one. His frown became wary, then panicked as the full scale of the approaching horde became apparent. There were dozens. Hundreds!


A tail whacked against his face, and he felt his teeth smash together. Another rammed into him from the side, and he grunted in pain as a rip snapped. The barrage continued, dolphins smashing bones and crushing flesh with veritable glee. He reached up a bloodied hand, it's shape bent from the many, many fractures and breaks and-

Rin looked up at him with a blushing face, expression lovestruck.

"Shirou..." She whispered, both wonder and love obvious in her voice. "That was... that was... amazing..."


"I'm beginning to notice a pattern." Kotomine said. "But... dolphins? Really?"

"It was like being beaten to death by a wooden plank." Shirou confirmed.

" I see..." Kotomine murmured. "I might have an idea as to what's wrong, but additional evidence would be helpful." He looked expectantly up at Shirou, who nodded slowly.


"Sempai..." Sakura whispered, as they embraced. His hands trailed behind her back, stroking her hair and skin, and she shivered in delight.

His hands caressed her, touching, rubbing, holding... After a few minutes of this, Sakura met his eyes.

"Sempai..." She said, her breath excited. "It's fine to do what you like..."

He needed little invitation.

He moved forward and-

He was standing in a ruined city, a black tower standing tall before him. He sighed. The situation wasn't as surprising as it had been. Not after Saber and Rin. Even so, the scenery was familiar to him.

"So not only do I not get to feel the sex, I also get to relieve a childhood trauma? Bloody marvellous." He complained. He gave the tower a glance. "And with some Freudian aspects too, huh? It never rains, but it pours acid on my fac-"

His words were interrupted by huge black tentacle shooting out of the tower, wrapping around his waist. It's touched burnt like hate, and fire, and misery, and despair, and rape, and murder, and corruption, and theft, and death, and greed, and pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain.

His pained shouts were cut out when he slammed into the tower, and a wave of the black shadow mud curse taint forced it's way down his throat pain pain pain pain even as pain pain pain pain pain pain it melted hi-pain pain-m

His mind began to-

"Sempai..." Sakura said, her breathing still heavy as she pressed against him. "That was amazing."


"I see." Kotomine said, a smirk crossing his face. "You'll be glad to know that with that, I have determined a potential cure to your problem."

"Really?" Shirou said, voice both hopeful and unbelieving.

"Truly." Kotomine confirmed. "Tell me, what did all your... partners have in common?"

"Ah... they were all girls?" Shirou guessed hesitatingly. His face became panicked. "Wait, you don't think I'm-"

"No. You aren't Issei. I'm quite positive that you are entirely heterosexual." Kotomine said. "The common factor I was talking about was that all of your partners were, to put it bluntly, normal."

Shirou's response was a confused expression. Kotomine continued. "By that I mean, all your partners would be considered attractive by the majority of people, and your attraction to them entirely healthy."

"Then what are you suggesting?" Shirou asked, eyes narrowed.

"That you have a relationship with someone different from the social norms." He flicked through the file. " I believe there is another girl staying at you residence?"

"Wait, I didn't tell the nurse that. How do you know who's living at my house-" Kotomine spoke over Shirou's interjection.

"I believe that a relationship with Ilyasviel von Einzbern could potentially cure this issue, by introducing a new mental factor."

"But she looks like she only-" Shirou began.

"She's 18." Kotomine stated firmly.

"But she looks-" Shirou repeated, unwilling to give up on this point.

"She's 18. It says it at the back of the box, see?" Kotomine held up a container. "All characters shown within this product are over the age of 18."

"Even so," Shirou said, shaking his head. "I can't just-"

"I suppose having a relationship with Miss Fujimura Taiga would have a similar effect." Kotomine mused.

"..." Shirou was silent.

"..." Kotomine was silent.

"...You know, I've always thought Ilya had her charm points..." Shirou began.


He held the pale girl tight within his arms. She smiled up at him, her eyes bright with emotion. Obvious joy was written on her expression, and she kissed him eagerly.

"Onii-chan..." She whispered. "I love you..."

Their kisses and caresses continued, until finally, Ilya was ready. She gave a firm nod.

He moved towards her and-

He paused. Nothing had happened. He was still here, Ilya looking up at him with a loving expression.

Thank you, Kotomine-sensei! He thought, thanking the man silently in his head. He leant down towards the girl and-

He was standing in a snow covered forest. For a moment, he stood there, shock written across his face. A fair distance away, but getting ever closer, a huge blizzard howled, a veritable wall of jagged ice and freezing snow.

As it neared, he raised his face to the heavens.


Because this is the all ages edition, responded Akasha, a trifle smugly. Enjoy your blizzard, Hero.


"So if this is the all ages edition," Gilgamesh asked, taking a sip of wine. "Why did he get all the naked kissing and hugging? Seems a tad inappropriate."

"Because it gave him false hope." Kotomine responded, putting his feet up on the (almost) dead body of an orphan. "And Akasha's a bit of an asshole really. I mean, really, 40 Bad Ends in a single game?"

Gilgamesh nodded. "Fair enough." He paused. "It's getting a little chilly in here. Throw another kitten on the fire would you?"

Kotomine obliged, then took a sip of his wine, ignoring the hideous sounds coming from the fireplace. He picked up his schedule, taking note of his next appointment.

He loved his job. He was, after all, a people person.[/spoiler]
"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."

Prof. William

A sorozatban fallikus CGI sárkány a movieban meg átlátszó fallikus delfinek...  Meg kéne kérni a Yosuga no Sora készítőit hogy csináljanak egy remaket jó sok mágiatöltéssel. :)


Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Quote from: Cobra on 2013-12-29, 21:21:07
Készül az FSN remake

Nem egészen... valószínüleg a F/SN 3. szálat, a "Heaven's Feel"-t foglyák feldolgozni, míg a Studio Deentől a sorozat az 1. (Fate), míg a mozi a 2. (Unlimited Blade Works) részekkel tett így.
"Logically sound? How laughable. The only thing that people use logic for is to see what they want to see and disregard what they do not."


Na szóval:

Fate/stay night [ufotable 2014] - Promotional Video 2

Az AniDB szerint
Quotethis adaptation of Fate/stay night is not directly based on any particular route from the game, being an original one loosely based on game content and supervised by Type-Moon head writer and original Fate/stay night author Nasu Kinoko instead.


Uhh, a 15. rész ütött rendesen, nem vártam ilyen kimenetelt.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Quote from: Cobra on 2015-04-24, 21:36:09
Uhh, a 15. rész ütött rendesen, nem vártam ilyen kimenetelt.

A filmben még durvább volt.


Bár már rég láttam, de ott nem rémlik, hogy meghalt volna Ilya.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Quote from: Cobra on 2015-04-25, 00:22:05
Bár már rég láttam, de ott nem rémlik, hogy meghalt volna Ilya.

Már nem emlékszel [spoiler]a szívműtétre?  :__devil:[/spoiler]



Kijött egy OVA Sunny Day címmel.
[spoiler=két szó]Good ending.[/spoiler]


És nem hagyták ki a +18-as utalást sem  :lol:


Ha esetleg van valaki, aki még nálam is kevésbé követi, hogy mikor mit adnak ki a Fate-történetekkel kapcsolatban: elérhetővé vált az első Heaven's Feel film. :jee:


Quote from: SaiyaGin on 2018-06-15, 23:12:51
Ha esetleg van valaki, aki még nálam is kevésbé követi, hogy mikor mit adnak ki a Fate-történetekkel kapcsolatban: elérhetővé vált az első Heaven's Feel film. :jee:

Mostanra már mindhárom film kijött, ma néztem meg a harmadikat, és nagyon tetszett. Összességében az egész trilógia nagyon jó lett. :whoah: