Ez nagyon lol :DD

Started by HVp213, 2006-03-09, 17:46:17

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Quote from: Lythis on 2006-09-11, 18:22:10
Még csak a 35-iknél tartok de már szétröhögtem az agyam:
QuoteSticky Balls
Pass the vaseline.
:rotfl: :lul:

Áááááá! Eljutottam az elsőig! Berosálok a röhögéstől! :lol:
"Amíg képesek lesznek meghatódni egy moll akkord hallatán, amíg könnybe lábad a szemük, ha két szerelmes egymásra talál, amíg gyanakvó szívükben jut hely a kockázat vállalására, és mernek Isten arcába nevetni, addig van remény a menekülésre.
Ha mindez kiveszett az emberekből, megértek a pusztulásra."
- Clive Barker: Korbács






Quote from: thrall on 2006-09-12, 21:24:40
Light-Emitting Shirts lol

Jó móka ezzel detektálni az utcán az epillepsziára hajlamosakat... :lul:


Quote from: Rounin on 2006-09-12, 21:33:01
Quote from: thrall on 2006-09-12, 21:24:40
Light-Emitting Shirts lol

Jó móka ezzel detektálni az utcán az epillepsziára hajlamosakat... :lul:
A gyenge elhullik... Az erős talpon marad... egy darabig. Aztán, mikor a wtf-nézésből átvált röhögőre, ő sem. :rolleyes:

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!


Quote from: Rounin on 2006-09-12, 21:33:01
Jó móka ezzel detektálni az utcán az epillepsziára hajlamosakat... :lul:
Kész, ez a beszólás jobban tetszett, mint a polók.  :rotfl:


Quote from: Lythis on 2006-09-11, 18:22:10
Ez igen ! :rotfl: Meghaltam a röhögéstől  ez volt a legjobb: Wargasm
                                                                              (I think George Bush gets these.)


,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."




Quote from: Ramiz on 2006-09-13, 00:59:23
Quote from: Shiroi #2 on 2006-09-12, 14:10:10
Quote from: Ramiz on 2006-09-12, 13:33:00
Ez egy olyan nagyon fontos VERY EDUCATIONAL vizsgálat, amit minden orvosilag szakképzetlen férfi el tud végezni. Lányok, ne habozzatok megkérni minket! :Kiraly:
Sztem azért nem olyan vicces, bár értem az ironiádat.
Nem az oldal vicces, hanem a cici király dolog. Irónia nem volt a postomban. Ja igen, az irónia hosszú 'ó'.
Amúgy erről a postról eszembejutott az amikor 2 éve a suliban, szokásos éves orvosi vizsgálaton a kezünkbe nyomtak műheréket hogy tapogassuk milyen is az a hererák. Persze mi rögtön mellrákot kerestünk herék helyett ^^ :lazza:

"The past is the past... and the future is the future. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman. I am who I am, and you are who you are. Like it really matters anyway....
" - Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)
Van ami kell van ami nem / újra itt, újra ott  remélem nem elkapkodott.


Quote from: RE@L on 2006-09-13, 01:17:38
Quote from: Ramiz on 2006-09-13, 00:59:23
Quote from: Shiroi #2 on 2006-09-12, 14:10:10
Quote from: Ramiz on 2006-09-12, 13:33:00
Ez egy olyan nagyon fontos VERY EDUCATIONAL vizsgálat, amit minden orvosilag szakképzetlen férfi el tud végezni. Lányok, ne habozzatok megkérni minket! :Kiraly:
Sztem azért nem olyan vicces, bár értem az ironiádat.
Nem az oldal vicces, hanem a cici király dolog. Irónia nem volt a postomban. Ja igen, az irónia hosszú 'ó'.
Amúgy erről a postról eszembejutott az amikor 2 éve a suliban, szokásos éves orvosi vizsgálaton a kezünkbe nyomtak műheréket hogy tapogassuk milyen is az a hererák. Persze mi rögtön mellrákot kerestünk herék helyett ^^ :lazza:
Bob nem volt ott? [spoiler]Harcosok klubja![/spoiler]
"Amíg képesek lesznek meghatódni egy moll akkord hallatán, amíg könnybe lábad a szemük, ha két szerelmes egymásra talál, amíg gyanakvó szívükben jut hely a kockázat vállalására, és mernek Isten arcába nevetni, addig van remény a menekülésre.
Ha mindez kiveszett az emberekből, megértek a pusztulásra."
- Clive Barker: Korbács


Quote from: via_mala on 2006-09-13, 10:18:47

Bob nem volt ott? [spoiler]Harcosok klubja![/spoiler]
;)  :appl:

Ramiz: a Quote-od tényleg :lol: ,csak kár, hogy abban tényleg nincs iróóóóónia részedről.
(vagy csak az van benne :D )

Amúgy meg kösz a dícséretet.  :lazza:


Band of Brothers rajongóknak:
[spoiler=You know you've been watching Band of Brothers too much when:]

1. You hit somebody with a dart trying to play darts left handed like Buck Compton.

2. Whenever you see Jimmy Fallon on SNL, you have the sudden urge to thank him for the ammo.

3. If at a restaurant, instead of ordering spaghetti, you order "Army noodles with Ketchup."

4. You buy a Riddel football helmet to practice your jump landings by jumping and rolling off of your roof.

5. If you refer to your child's Lunchables as "K-rations."

6. You snap, "pass revoked!" at anyone who disobeys you.

7. If upon entering a new acquaintance's house, you remove your hat and start scooping their silverware into it, thinking "it's a good thing I got here before Spiers".

8. If while on the golf course or pick up game field, you replace all verbal communication with hand signals.

9. Upon preparing to get off a plane, your urge is to yell, "equipment check!" and pat down the person in front of you.

10. All your drinking is done out of canteens and flasks.

11. When you stub your toe or get a paper cut, you automatically yell, "MEDIC!" and are genuinely disappointed when Doc Roe doesn't come sliding to your side with his cute face full of concern.

12. If you start taking away all of your kids toys and only reply with "Contraband" when they ask what you're doing.

13. You tell a student who has forgotten his homework or ID , "that dog just ain't gonna hunt!"

14. Someone makes a really lame comment and you respond "Bull, smack him for me."

15. If you know where Lulu's is.

16. If you run across an Interstate at rush hour to find a Luger.

17. If someone has crapped in your foxhole.

18. You shout "Hi Ho, Silver" when going upstairs.

19. Your uncle can't figure out why you won't stop calling his German Sheppard "Trigger."

20. You are always rude to new co-workers or students because they are just "darn replacements".

21. Your neighbours yell at you for pruning their pine trees to help fortify your foxhole.

22. If you've ever been kicked out of a supermarket for yelling at the clerk for hoarding all the Hershey Bars for another platoon.

23. If every time you see or hear about John Wayne you ask, "Gotta penny?" in your best George Luz impression.

24. On a very cold day, you make & share a lemon-flavoured snow cone.

25. When you want to get out of doing something, you yawn & go for a walk. (We'll call this Dike syndrome)

26. When someone gives you a book to read, you ask immediately if there is any sex in it.

27. You expertly quote what Toye had to take with him on D-Day.

28. You name your first born 'Currahee'.

29. When you get behind a slow driver you imagine Sink telling you to "outflank that SOB".

30. When a can of peaches just aint a can of peaches no more.

31. Your secretary enters the office in the morning without saying hello, you tell them: "You salute the rank, not the man".

32. Whenever somebody asks you a dumb question you answer "do wild bears crap in the woods?".

33. Every time somebody says something you don't agree with you yell "NUTS".

34. You get the jitters when the firm announces "ice cream for everybody in the board room"... or a big spaghetti lunch.

35. You ask "Hinkle...ist das du?" if you hear a noise in the house.

36. Someone doesn't get lucky, and "No dice with the fraulein?" just slips out.

37. When there's a holdup in traffic in front of you, you roll down the windows and holler: "WHAT IS THE GODDAMN HOLDUP MISTER SOBEL???"

38. You and your sister check if each other's in the bathroom by yelling "Flash!" and "Thunder!"

39. You feel an irrepressible urge to start smoking Lucky Strikes.

40. When someone knocks at your door, you reply with "Enter".

41. At the gym, you randomly grab guys' biceps and ask, "Been working' out?" with your best Liebgott leer.

42. At a particulary shitty dinner you yell, "They smell like my armpit!"

43. Anytime an airplane starts to taxi, you hum the tune of "The Mission Begins".

44. You're afraid to take cigarettes if offered to you.

45. You berate colleagues at work for having "dust on their jumpwings".

46. When you start seeing a spoon as a fashion accessory

47. When you drive up to the traffic lights, and your roommate bales out the car on the green light [/spoiler]


Edrekesseg: az eredeti Loituma. IRL.

Statisztika viccek. Nehany nagyon tud fajni.  :lol:
QuoteThe Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans.
Conclusion: Eat and drink whatever you like. It's speaking English that kills you.
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Nézte valaki most a Fábryt?
Volt egy jó poénja:

Mit csinál a magyar válogatott, miután megnyerte a foci-vb-t?
Kikapcsolja a Playstationt.
Failure is the default option


Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2006-09-14, 23:19:10
Nézte valaki most a Fábryt?
Volt egy jó poénja:

Mit csinál a magyar válogatott, miután megnyerte a foci-vb-t?
Kikapcsolja a Playstationt.
Csak a baj az , hogy tényleg így ezt csinálja.

,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."


már ismertem sajnos

van még ilyen:
Mit kap a magyar válogatott ha ki megy a VB-re?
Az első utat haza

Mi az? 21(ez most nem biztos hogy pontos) és a Vb-t nézi
Magyar Válogatott



Quote from: Kvikveg on 2006-09-14, 19:02:28
Statisztika viccek. Nehany nagyon tud fajni.  :lol:
Ez tetszett a legjobban:
A famous statistician would never travel by airplane, because he had studied air travel and estimated that the probability of there being a bomb on any given flight was one in a million, and he was not prepared to accept these odds.

One day, a colleague met him at a conference far from home. "How did you get here, by train?"

"No, I flew"

"What about the possibility of a bomb?"

"Well, I began thinking that if the odds of one bomb are 1:million, then the odds of two bombs are (1/1,000,000) x (1/1,000,000). This is a very, very small probability, which I can accept. So now I bring my own bomb along!"
[spoiler=magyarul]Egy híres statisztikus soha nem utazott repülőgépen, mert tanulmányozta a légiközlekedést, és megbecsülte, hogy annak valószínűsége, hogy bomba van a fedélzeten 1 milliomod, és nem volt képes elfogadni ezt az eshetőséget.

Egy nap egy konferencián találkozott vele egy kollégája egy otthonától távoli helyen. "Hogy utaztál ide? Vonattal?"

"Nem, repültem."

"És mi a helyzet a bomba valószínűségével?"

"Hát, elkezdtem azon gondolkodni, hogy ha annak az esélye, hogy egy bomba van a fedélzeten 1 milliomod, akkor 2 bombáé 10^(-12). Ez egy rettentően kicsi eshetőség, amit el tudok fogadni. Szóval hoztam magammal egy saját bombát."[/spoiler]
"Amíg képesek lesznek meghatódni egy moll akkord hallatán, amíg könnybe lábad a szemük, ha két szerelmes egymásra talál, amíg gyanakvó szívükben jut hely a kockázat vállalására, és mernek Isten arcába nevetni, addig van remény a menekülésre.
Ha mindez kiveszett az emberekből, megértek a pusztulásra."
- Clive Barker: Korbács


Jah, az volt a masik amin nem tudtam, hogy sirjak vagy rohogjek...  :D
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Quote from: Kvikveg on 2006-09-15, 12:14:11
Jah, az volt a masik amin nem tudtam, hogy sirjak vagy rohogjek...  :D

Ja, ha kocka viccek, olyat én is tudok:[spoiler=vigyázat, KOCKA viccek, arra érzékenyek kerüljék]
Q: What is black and white ivory and fills space?
A: A piano curve
Q: What's an Abelian group under addition, is closed, associative,
distributive, and bears a curse?
A: The ring of the Nibelung.
Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a banana?
A: Elephant banana sine theta in a direction mutually perpendicular to
   the two as determined by the right hand rule.
Q:  Why didn't Newton discover group theory?
A:  Because he wasn't Abel.
Q: Why's 6 afraid of 7?
A: cos 789
Q: What is the difference between numbers and people?
A: For numbers, they are rational if they have a period.

A large diplomatic delegation from Poland gets on a plane to go to a UN conference. The plane takes off normally, and everything seems fine during takeoff. Five minutes into the flight, however, the plane starts flying erratically, inverts, and crashes killing everyone onboard. The investigators analyzing the crash are dumbfounded since everything seemed to be in order with the aircraft. Eventually, they bring the problem to a control engineer who immediately recognizes the problem: "It's simple really... you had poles in the right half of the plane!"

A Cherokee indian chief had three wives, each of whom was pregnant.
The first squaw gave birth to a boy, and the chief was so elated he
built her a teepee made of buffalo hide.  A few days later, the second
squaw gave birth, and also had a boy.  The chief was extremely happy;
he built her a teepee made of antelope hide.
The third squaw gave birth a few days later, but the chief kept the
birth details a secret.  He built the woman a teepee out of
hippopotamus hide, and challenged the people in the tribe to guess the
most recent birth details, the correct guesser receiving a fine prize.
Several of his people tried, but were unsuccessful in their guesses.
Finally, a young brave came forth and declared that the third wife had
delivered twin boys.  "Correct"!, cried the chief.  "How did you know"?
"It's simple", replied the warrior.  "The value of the squaw of the
hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides."

     After the earth dries out, Noah tells all the animals to 'go forth
and multiply'. However, two snakes, adders to be specific, complain to
Noah that this is one thing they have never been able to do, hard as
they have tried. Undaunted, Noah instructs the snakes to go into the
woods, make tables from the trunks of fallen trees and give it a try
on the tabletops.
The snakes respond that they don't understand how this will help them
to procreate whereupon Noah explains: "Well, even adders can multiply
using log tables!"

Jesus and his disciples were walking around one day, when Jesus said, "The
Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9."  The disciples
looked very puzzled, and finally asked Peter, "What on earth does Jesus
mean - the Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9?  Peter
said, "Don't worry.  It's just another one of his parabolas."

Some say the pope is the greatest cardinal.
But others insist this cannot be so, as every pope has a successor.

Life is complex. It has real and imaginary components.

Theorem. A cat has nine tails.
Proof. No cat has eight tails. A cat has one more
tail than no cat. Therefore a cat has nine tails.

Theorem. All positive integers are interesting.
Proof. Assume the contrary. Then there is a lowest
noninteresting positive integer. But, hey, that's
pretty interesting! A contradiction.

Aleph-nought bottles of beer on the wall,
Aleph-nought bottles of beer,
You take one down, and pass it
Aleph-nought bottles of beer on the wall.

Two mathematicians are in a bar. The
first one says to the second that the average
person knows very little about
basic mathematics. The second one disagrees
and claims that most people can
cope with a reasonable amount of math.
The first mathematician goes off to the
washroom, and in his absence the second
calls over the waitress. He tells her
that in a few minutes, after his friend has
returned, he will call her over and ask
her a question. All she has to do is answer
"one third x cubed." She repeats
"one thir–dex cue?" He repeats "one third
x cubed." She asks, "one thir dex cuebd?"
"Yes, that's right," he says. So she agrees,
and goes off mumbling to herself, "one
thir dex cuebd...". The first guy returns
and the second proposes a bet to prove
his point, that most people do know
something about basic math. He says
he will ask the blonde waitress an integral,
and the first laughingly agrees.
The second man calls over the waitress
and asks "what is the integral of x
squared?" The waitress says "one third
x cubed" and while walking away, turns
back and says over her shoulder, "plus
a constant!"[/spoiler]

EDIT: a kocka itt matekost jelent, a számtekeseket majd legközelebb :)


QuoteJesus and his disciples were walking around one day, when Jesus said, "The
Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9."  The disciples
looked very puzzled, and finally asked Peter, "What on earth does Jesus
mean - the Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9?  Peter
said, "Don't worry.  It's just another one of his parabolas."
Ez faaaaj...

QuoteLife is complex. It has real and imaginary components.
Ez viszont aranyos. :)

QuoteAleph-nought bottles of beer on the wall,
Aleph-nought bottles of beer,
You take one down, and pass it
Aleph-nought bottles of beer on the wall.
Jujj, a sorosok álma... :)

Hehh, a pincernos jo!!! :hopp:
WARNING: module "coffee.exe" did not run correctly. Brain running in limited mode.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Failure is the default option



Quote from: Yakumo on 2006-09-15, 21:48:12
Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2006-09-15, 21:33:56
Stephen Colbert megkapja a hídját
Heh, :rolleyes: XD
Ezekszerint tényleg nyilvánosan is leégtünk.  :3x3: XD
ööö miért is?
sztem bemutattuk, hogy tudunk mi is viccesek lenni.
nem tudom, hogy tudta-e előre a szöveget, de elég hatásos volt a 2. pont felolvasására a reakciója :haha:


Quote from: Fazék on 2006-09-15, 21:49:31
Quote from: Yakumo on 2006-09-15, 21:48:12
Quote from: kikuchiyo on 2006-09-15, 21:33:56
Stephen Colbert megkapja a hídját
Heh, :rolleyes: XD
Ezekszerint tényleg nyilvánosan is leégtünk.  :3x3: XD
ööö miért is?
sztem bemutattuk, hogy tudunk mi is viccesek lenni.
nem tudom, hogy tudta-e előre a szöveget, de elég hatásos volt a 2. pont felolvasására a reakciója :haha:
Nem is Simonyi András-ra gondoltam és a műsorra, mert emberünk teljesen jól helyt állt és pontosan azt tette, amit te is írsz. Csak erre az egész jól elintézett internetes szavazásra gondoltam. ;)