Bleach Manga (anime-nézőkre veszélyes spoilerekkel;) )

Started by Yakumo, 2006-07-31, 16:49:43

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Hmmm, lehet, hogy azért arrancar release-elt a tag, mert a bankai mellett ezt is el tudják lopni?


Nem történt sok minden. Engem most az tud érdekelni, hogy Ishidát honnan ismeri Kirge Opie. S miért ennyire biztos Ishida erejében. Elvégre, ő sem tűnik gyengének.


Quote from: Isley on 2012-04-28, 23:25:03
Nem történt sok minden. Engem most az tud érdekelni, hogy Ishidát honnan ismeri Kirge Opie. S miért ennyire biztos Ishida erejében. Elvégre, ő sem tűnik gyengének.
Mert a főnök az Ishida bácsikája.


Quote from: Member on 2012-04-28, 22:39:19
Hmmm, lehet, hogy azért arrancar release-elt a tag, mert a bankai mellett ezt is el tudják lopni?
Szóval nem csak simán megakadályozzák a release-t, hanem ellopnák?

Ha a shinigami lelke a kard, és a bankai annak a pr0 user felhasználása, akkor a Quincy egy ilyen német lélekvámpír népség?



Quote from: NLZ on 2012-04-29, 00:15:04
Quote from: Isley on 2012-04-28, 23:25:03
Nem történt sok minden. Engem most az tud érdekelni, hogy Ishidát honnan ismeri Kirge Opie. S miért ennyire biztos Ishida erejében. Elvégre, ő sem tűnik gyengének.
Mert a főnök az Ishida bácsikája.

:) Bárhogy is legyen, kicsit már megkésett ötlet lenne megkísérelni Ishidát átcsalogatni a sötét oldalra. Szerintem megpróbálják, mert valami miatt úgy tűnik, Ishida fontos lehet nekik, túl azon, hogy ő is Quincy.


Quote from: Isley on 2012-04-29, 00:33:48
Quote from: NLZ on 2012-04-29, 00:15:04
Quote from: Isley on 2012-04-28, 23:25:03
Nem történt sok minden. Engem most az tud érdekelni, hogy Ishidát honnan ismeri Kirge Opie. S miért ennyire biztos Ishida erejében. Elvégre, ő sem tűnik gyengének.
Mert a főnök az Ishida bácsikája.

:) Bárhogy is legyen, kicsit már megkésett ötlet lenne megkísérelni Ishidát átcsalogatni a sötét oldalra. Szerintem megpróbálják, mert valami miatt úgy tűnik, Ishida fontos lehet nekik, túl azon, hogy ő is Quincy.
Ishi papa végülis mondta a fiának, hogy ne bratyizzon a shinigamikkal, szal ő már tudta előre, hogy ez lesz. :)


Quote from: kada on 2012-04-29, 00:21:14
Ha a shinigami lelke a kard, és a bankai annak a pr0 user felhasználása, akkor a Quincy egy ilyen német lélekvámpír népség?
Azt csinálják, ami Aaroniero-nak nem jött össze. :) A németeket, különösen az ilyen náciszerű képződményeket mindig valami különleges okkultizmussal ábrázolják, miért is ne lehetnének azok?

Quote from: NLZ on 2012-04-29, 01:02:35
Ishi papa végülis mondta a fiának, hogy ne bratyizzon a shinigamikkal, szal ő már tudta előre, hogy ez lesz. :)
De ő nekem teljesen más stílusúnak tűnt a ruhájával és a nyilas (nyilasok és nácik, yeah) képességével, mintha a más oldalról bevettek lennének a fehér köpenyesek, a többiek meg a katonások. Tiszta janicsárizmus. :)


Egyébként már megint görcsölve lassan halad a plot. Még egy normális harc sem kezdődött el, és az eddigi szereplők mozdulata kimerült...pár méter lépés x 5 fejezet ??? :ejj:


Ha jobban megnézem, egy luther rózsa van a fején? Meg amúgyis nagyon angyalos, huhú, a Mennyország is benne lesz Kubo nagyon deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep alkotást hoz össze.




A magazin minden hétfőn jelenik meg. A raktárba (a boltokba) az az előtti hét szerdáján szállítják be, akkor csórják a benfentesek a RAW-okat. Így minden chaptert gyakorlatilag egy héttel (5 nappal) korábban kapunk meg.

Ezen a héten nem volt magazin, mert Golden Week volt, más szóval az előző hét szerdáján nem kaptunk semmit. Helyette pénteken kaptuk meg a jövő hetit, jó előre, tehát azt amit normális esetben ma kapnánk. A jövő hét utánit a szokásos kerékvágás szerint jövő héten kapjuk meg.

Ezen a héten már nincs semmi. A következő jövő héten lesz.
Követhető volt? :)


Quote from: Chronus on 2012-05-02, 21:14:57
A magazin minden hétfőn jelenik meg. A raktárba (a boltokba) az az előtti hét szerdáján szállítják be, akkor csórják a benfentesek a RAW-okat. Így minden chaptert gyakorlatilag egy héttel (5 nappal) korábban kapunk meg.

Ezen a héten nem volt magazin, mert Golden Week volt, más szóval az előző hét szerdáján nem kaptunk semmit. Helyette pénteken kaptuk meg a jövő hetit, jó előre, tehát azt amit normális esetben ma kapnánk. A jövő hét utánit a szokásos kerékvágás szerint jövő héten kapjuk meg.

Ezen a héten már nincs semmi. A következő jövő héten lesz.
Követhető volt? :)

Így igen! :D Thank you!
Eddig úgy tudtam hogy megjelenik kedden, azt szerdára lefordítják, cseppet téves volt az infó.
De akkor ezt h-h vki megveszi? :D Ha előtte jó pár nappal már a neten van. Az jó hogy van nagyon sok fan de ez így nekem túlzás. Vagy csak magyar kalóz mentalitás?
Akármire gondolok minden később kerül fel a netre. Film-re fél évet is várni kell normális minőséghez, játékokat meg fel kell törni amivel megint csúszás van.
Úgy tudom elég drága, gyűjteni ennyi ch-t...  már akkor inkább kötetek.
Furák a japánok! :D


Filmre azért kell fél évet várni, hogy megjelenjen DVD-n. Viszont az első DVDRip-ek a boltokba kerülés előtt már jönnek. Játékok is fent vannak megjelenés előtt, ritka az, hogy törésre várni kell.


Quote from: NLZ on 2012-05-03, 19:29:02
Játékok is fent vannak megjelenés előtt, ritka az, hogy törésre várni kell.
Azért ez igy ebben a formában nem teljesen fedi a valóságot. Nyilván kevesebbszer van hogy várni kell, de azért nem ritka.
Már a "AAA" játékoknál természetesen. :)


Na neee már megint ez az irányíthatatlan dög? :XD Kinek hiányzott?


És megint csak 17 oldal... Nem kéne Kubónak is követnie a másik kettőt.

Allon meg... jah.


Quote"Did you think we couldn't fight anymore?
Mert az öncsonkolással megidézett berserker okos taktika, ami mindíg bejön...  ^^"


Quote from: Junchi on 2012-05-09, 17:49:19
És megint csak 17 oldal... Nem kéne Kubónak is követnie a másik kettőt.
Pont, mint az olcsó cigiknél, mindig kivesznek egy szálat? :D

Én örülnék neki, ha kivételesen nem Ichigo tömné be a gonosz száját. De ha jól értem, Ishidá-ék egy olyan klán, amely megtagadta a nemuccsó transzformáció technikáját?


Szerintem a Quincy technikák fejlődését tagadták meg. Ez egyértelműen valamilyen modernizált Lets Steal. :confused:


Hogy ki tagadott meg mit...
Amíg nem tudjuk honnan kerültek ezek elő, bármi lehetett a most látható sereg és ishidáék közt. (Ishida már talán nem is tudott róluk?)
Asspull-érzésű frakcióba bármit bele tudok magyarázni én is. De a belemagyarázás nem jó, lássuk a mangaka meg tudja-e csinálni hogy a világ szerves részét alkossák hirtelen egy sob story után... Yea, right.


Spirits Are Forever With You Spoilerek :cool:

[spoiler= I.]Narration: "Bleach" final-release "Missing Link Project" Starts!!

Revealing Narita-sensei's novel, which features the period of 17 months of vol. 48~49, in the 4th issue of Jump.

-Emergency special report-

The 17 month-long truth post Ichigo's loss of reiryoku is now revealed!!

"Spirits Are Forever With You" Vol. 01

Narration: The place is the 1st division waiting room, where the 13 captains gather.

(If I were to make the translation smoother, it would be: "The story takes place at the 1st division waiting room, where the 13 captains gather.")

The threat nears the Soul Society-------------

7 minutes after (presumably the time after the person's escape), 1st division waiting room

Captain-Commander: It's an urgent situation!

Narration: Following a loud thump, caused by the captain commander striking the floor with the end of his staff, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni let out his voice around the inner parts of the waiting room. The people who were gathered here are the captains who were gathered for an emergency. Regardless of the absence of disease-stricken Ukitake, Kenpachi and Mayuri, who were both absent for no reason at all, and even with the faces of the regular-attendees made the place utterly defenseless. Because even the time it takes to wait for the other captains to make their arrival at the place seemed wasteful, Genryusai began the captain's meeting. Having answered Genryusai's glare, Soi Fon released her report coolly.

Soi Fon: According to the investigation engaged by Onmitsukido, the treasonous sinner, Azashiro Kenpachi's presence has affirmed to have vanished from the 'Mugen. Starting with the Aizen Sousuke to other convicts, there's no signs of their escapement. Presently, the order has been given unto every squad members for Azashiro's search.

Narration: Azashiro Kenpachi. The ones who had their expressions changed were the following: Unohana Retsu, the captain of the 4th division, Shunsui Kyoraku, the captain of the 8th division, and Hirako Shinji, Ootoribashi Rose, Muguruma Kensei, who were restored to their respective captain ranks in recent times, thus totaling five.

Hirako: My my, an extremely nostalgic name popped up. That's the guy who had been captured before I became the captain.

Rose: Yes, it's the event that's been 200 years already.

Kensei: Was it the time back when we became seated officers? That bastard erupted a rebellion or some shit and were sent to Mugen as a result.

Narration: In contrast to Hirako's gang, who seemed to be talking about a person from the long-forgotten past, Unohana, who has held the title of captain longer than they, was mumbling while her expression was drenched in her shadow.

Unohana: Azashiro Kenpachi....To think that that name would be heard at a time as early as now.

Narration: Meanwhile, Kyoraku, keeping his silence, thinks while he lowers his hat beneath his face.

Kyoraku: This is really bad. As expected, was that child an ominous premonition to come?

Narration: Kyoraku gave out a long sigh, as he thought about the arrancar girl he saw at the Ugendo shortly before. No.......It's rather natural to think that there's a connection between the two events than to believe that it was a mere coincidence that it happened following the prior one. Other captains talked to one another, while Kyoraku immersed himself in his own thoughts.

Toshiro: It's a bastard whom I am not aware of. "Kenpachi," what joke is this? Or is this a mere coincidence?

Narration: As Hitsugaya Toshiro mumbled while putting on a blunt expression on his face, Kuchiki Byakuya, too, with a blunt expression, answered his question.

Byakuya: Certainly, the name, "Kenpachi," is a name that's inherited by defeating the previous name-holder in a duel....There cannot be a situation where two people with the name, "Kenpachi" walking and alive in the same time-period.

Narration: Following Byakuya's words, Genryusai opened his mouth.

Captain-Commander: That's correct. That very exception is Azashiro Kenpachi.

Narration: Having opened his eyes slightly, the captain-commander began to talk with a heavier tone.

Captain-Commander: He inherited the name after having felled Kuruyashiki Kenpachi, the 7th, in a duel.......He, however, was not cut down by anyone. After he had committed the grave crime, his very existence had been buried deep inside the prison, Mugen, the vice-captain of 11th of that time had been made into the 9th Kenpachi in order to keep the Kenpachi name alive.

Narration: Naturally following the previous person's story, Kyoraku, who had released himself from his thoughts, began to talk to Hitsugaya Toshiro, and to other captains.

Kyoraku: That 9th had been cut down by the strong one of the Rukongai, who had called himself Kiganjou. The one who had defeated that strong of the strong Kiganjou is Kenpachi-captain of the present time.

Toshiro: Let me ask you by skipping the formality. From your viewpoint, is that bastard called, "Azashiro," more cumbersome than Zaraki?

Narration: To Hitsugaya, who was questioning while keeping his eyes opened keenly, Kyoraku rubbed his chin with a crooked smile on his face.

Kyoraku: Even if you were to ask something without the formalities, that's a bit......Both Azashiro, the previous captain, and captain Zaraki are too special. More than anything, we don't even know the names of their zanpakuto's. And as for Azashiro-kun, we haven't even seen his sword.

Toshiro: Sword? By, "sword," do you mean to say, "shikai?"

Kyoraku: No, that's exactly what it means. He didn't keep it with him. The zanpakuto, that is. "To explain this in a specific manner, he, indeed, kept his zanpakuto, but it was not seen by our eyes," something like that, or at least that's how the story goes.

Narration: In reaction to Kyoraku's words, the 7th division captain, Komamura Saijin, who was keeping his silence, raised his beastly ears and opened his mouth.

Komamura: Could it be.......that it's an illusion-type zanpakuto such as Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu?

Kyoraku: That's certainly possible, however, he has never revealed that secret. Even at the urges of the Central 46, he refused to say anything further with a simple line, "I've already shown it."

Toshiro: That Central 46 ended the ordeal with only that?

Narrataion: As if he had a certain viewpoint about the Central 46, Hitsugaya asked as though he was surprised. Kyoraku, having affirmed Hitsugaya's surprised question as something acceptable, he gave an answer while he sighed.

Kyoraku: The thing that allows such arbitrariness is the name, "Kenpachi." Kiganjou-kun, who was 10th, too, on many occasions, had the aspect of ignoring call for a captain's meeting or the will of the Central 46.

Toshiro: That's not just the level of arbitrariness.........

Kyoraku: Anyways, the point is the name, "Kenpachi," is a kind of special rank in the realms of Seireitei.

Narration: Looking at the skies under the shadow of his hat, Kyoraku mumbled on as though he was looking back at his past.

Kyoraku: Now that I think about it, Azashiro-kun could have become the Kenpachi for the purpose of seeking after, "it."

Narration: Azashiro, the disappeared 8th Kenpachi as well as the one without the sword. Treasonous sinner Azashiro Kenpachi.....The past that Kyoraku alone looks back....All the facts are to be revealed from the novel![/spoiler]

[spoiler=II.]Narration: The 2nd part of the "Bleach" full-release plan, "Missing Link Project."

Who is the one whom Aizen, who was captured after the final battle of "Ichigo vs. Aizen," had met in the prison?

Narration: 4-weeks straight!!! The grand chapter that Narita-sensei unfolds.

Comment: I've stressed upon Kannonji, Aizen, or the woman who had donned the skull mask from the right illustration page about many things. I appeal my thanks to Kubo-sensei, who had granted me of such honor. I will work hard so that you, readers, can enjoy my kind of Bleach.

Mugen, the endless darkness, where the treasonous sinner, Aizen Sousuke, had been confined.

Narration: Aizen Sousuke.

The one who is shinigami and at the same time the king of hollows.

By anointing himself as the conqueror of the Hueco Mundo and having acquired the powers of hogyoku, the treasonous sinner had made an attempt to fell the Spirit King. Starting with the Kurosaki Ichigo and at the hands of shinigami, his ambitions had been crushed; now he had been thrown into the Mugen with the body of an immortal. Sokyoku, the tool for executing shinigami, had been destroyed. Even if such a tool had been kept, however, killing Aizen, who had acquired the body of an immortal, is impossible. He, having been restrained by bakudo, not only his hands and feet, but both his eyes, ears mouth, and even the sense of his skin, is now captured by the darkness deeper than the darkness itself. But, the portion of his senses are released without a cause. Without any warning, the seal over one of his eyes, ears, and his mouth was cancelled out, thus the portion of the cloth that which had been used as a means of medium for the Kido had fallen off. What had been reflected in the eye that had arisen from beneath the black cloth was the absolute darkness. However, a soft light emerged and appeared from that darkness. A torch, something that cannot exist within the realms of Mugen, had been radiating light unto his chair-bound self. The body which had been fused with the hogyoku had quickly adjusted his eye, an eye which had not seen light ever since his imprisonment. Then, Aizen noticed a man standing in front of the torch. Even when seeing something that which should not be seen under normal circumstances, there's no signs of surprise or defeat in Aizen's eyes. Rather, as if he had been expecting things to turn out like this, he calmly displayed a thin smile on his face and went on to mumble.

Aizen: My, should I say something like, "It's a pleasure to meet a senior convict?"

Narration: Fluent words. For a normal person, if his mouth gets sealed for over a year, it takes some time for that person to regain senses to his tongue or neck, and at first it would be hard to make sounds out of his neck even.

Narration: There's no change from the time before his confinement, any resentment in himself being confined, and not even remorse for what he has done, however, in Aizen's speech. With a natural stance, Aizen pointed an eye that may see through everything towards the man before him.

Aizen: What should I refer to you as, my friend; by Azashiro Soya, your original name, or respectfully the title that is granted to the greatest shinigami in the Soul Society?

Narration: Aizen, whose entire body is still sealed, and the man before him, who is not bound in any manner at all; undeniably, the latter would be in an advantageous situation. Aizen, with no signs of cowering before the man, as though he has seized control of the place, took the name of the man lightly.

Aizen: 8th captain of the 11th division........Azashiro Kenpachi.

Narration: Azashiro Kenpachi. A woman who draped herself with a white clothing has put out her face from the back of the man who had his name called onto by Aizen.

Woman: Kyhaa! Kyhahaha! Would you look at this! This bastard! This bastard called Aizen! He never becomes anxious! His mood suddenly became brighter! His eye, ear, and mouth suddenly became free! The feeling of extreme relaxation!? Is this the power of the hogyoku? This is quite a catch. Awesome! Steal it from him, the hogyoku! If it's Ken, it's possible, right? By slicing this bastard's body from the tip of his feet to the blood vessels of the back of his eye deeply, that is; by tearing reishi entirely with nothing but the powers of hogyoku left for you to steal! Kyhahahaha! Kyhahahahahahaha!

Narration: Letting out the sounds of her tongue, woman laughed frantically in her joy. Aizen, however, has kept a thin smile on his face without responding to the woman's abnormal taunts. Keeping his eyes opened slightly, Azashiro mumbled on with a voice only the woman could hear.

Azashiro: You stay quiet.

Narration: Then, turning his attention away from the woman, whose hands have covered her mouth in an exaggerated manner, to Aizen, he answered with a softer voice.

Azashiro: If you know about me, it would make the story pleasantly short.

Narration: Without introducing himself, Azashiro composedly spoke.

Azashiro: To make sure that I don't get an answer that has no value, I will say this before we begin......I do not take an interest in the sins you've committed, nor do I care for the power of the hogyoku. I only want to ask you of a few things about the outside.

Aizen: Isn't this an overestimation? (By "overestimation," he means the knowledge that Aizen himself possesses of the outside world.) To the man, who would see everything that happens in the Seireitei and whom Kyoka Suigetsu would be rendered useless, I see nothing to tell.

Narration: Azashiro, too, did not think of Aizen, displaying lax attitude, as obnoxious and, again, went on to question him.

Azashiro: What I want to ask you of is the knowledge beyond the realms of Seireitei. Even if I were to sound disrespectful, you being defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo was something unexpected. I will eventually go on to ask about this event as well.

Narration: Then, the woman whirled her arms around Azashiro in a flirty manner while she snorted.

Woman: Kyhit! You had told me, "Aizen's assault will be put to an end by the zero division, with a serious expression!? After all, he didn't make it to the zero division's blockade. Aizen! You must be embarrassed at the fact that your expectations did not meet your quota. You know, tell me about what you are thinking right now. Thanks? Pwhahaha!?

Narration: The woman of the white cloth was hurled instantly onto the floor near where Aizen was. Aizen, however, did not turn his sight to the place where the woman had fell, but the floor in front of himself to answer Azashiro, who had told Aizen, "I want to hear about your defeat.", while he snickered.

Aizen: Ah, defeat. If I were to bring up the chaos I'd felt at the time of my defeat, I can admit that that, too, in its own ways, could have been a meaningful experience. You should experience it as well.

Azashiro: The feeling of defeat cannot be understood by the one such as myself.

Aizen: To you, that may be the case. Do you have the desire to discuss about the difference between each viewpoints?

Azashiro: No, I do not wish to continue to talk about meaningless things.

Narration: Azashiro had stopped Aizen's talks with a claim that Aizen's story "held no meaning" to itself. Aizen, having heard such an answer of his, as if he was happy, twisted his cheek and opened his mouth.

Aizen: I do not mind. I will go along with your questions, for a while.

Azashiro: Thank you. For you, it is a meaningless deal.

Narration: Treasonous sinner showed thanks to the innocent gratitude of a treasonous sinner. Aizen, however, as if he was rejecting his gratitude, turned his attention upwards and said.

Aizen: That isn't so. ........By hearing the details of your questions, I will get to kill time by expecting your actions and results.

Narration: Next issue, too, have been decided to reveal a part of the novel. We've been waiting restlessly!? That character makes an appearance!! Posted on the 25th issue of the Weekly Jump!! The details for that is an episode where a character from the canon sequence meets with an original character from the roof of a certain building!![/spoiler]




Light Novel?

Be volt már harangozva egy ideje.




Ryohgo Narita (Durarara) meg Kubo által íródott, az alatt a 17 hónap alatt játszódó eseménysorozat amíg Ichigo erőtlen volt. Pár elítélt kitör Muken-ből és kavar egy kis szart. Movie material.


492: Valahogy sejtettem, hogy nem bírnak majd vele.
[spoiler]A Quincy akkor lehet, hogy érdekből gyengítette SS-t a lélektelenítéssel? Ugyanaz volna a céljuk talán, mint Aizennek volt?[/spoiler]



HurrDurr monszta action, reaction faces, Aizen-klón és Hópihe még mindig él...

Nem léphetnénk végre tovább?