Játékostárs kerestetik

Started by Selmo, 2006-05-05, 21:42:42

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nem tudok ékezetes betűt használni az add friend-nél :) valami az én oldalamon gázos

ed.: megvan, nem a friendsnél kellett, hanem steam communityn keresni :)


este 10 felé megpróbálkozok otthon megint a steammel, ha megy, akkor jönnék én is ::)


Gyorsan valaki egy Dota 5vs5-höz.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


5v5 dotához mégvalaki!


Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


még 1 ember dotára pls


Zana/Cobra/any-fukken-else, by the power of Chaos Undivided, I summon you from the depths of your unholy rooms to the mortal plane of the Hamachi! Arise!
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Zen on 2008-11-20, 21:45:01
Zana/Cobra/any-fukken-else, by the power of Chaos Undivided, I summon you from the depths of your unholy rooms to the mortal plane of the Hamachi! Arise!



Quote from: chilip on 2008-11-21, 01:13:13
Quote from: Zen on 2008-11-20, 21:45:01
Zana/Cobra/any-fukken-else, by the power of Chaos Undivided, I summon you from the depths of your unholy rooms to the mortal plane of the Hamachi! Arise!

Ez neked is szól. Chilip, by the power of.....
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


szólni szólhat csak nem megyek, nem is voltam itthon 10ig, utána meg animu ;)


Heresy! The incantation failed! One of the heretics was idle, and heresy GROWS from idleness!
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Dota. Most. No exceptions. No excuses.
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Hamachi and the skidrow release.
You have to config hamachi to be able to play and use the console to launch the game, but it does work.
Someone said it works without hassel if you use Wippien, similiar to hamachi. Havent tried it though.

To host a game with hamachi, you need to go to Network Connections - Advanced - Advanded Settings... and lift hamachi to the top of the list. Without this the game is created using your lan ip, not hamachi ip.

After that you go to Hamachi preferences and under the Window tab, check the "Show 'Advanced...' menu peer item"
After that you have to give each user a VPN Alias ip.
Right click on one user at the time and select Advanced.
Write to the Peer VPN Alias: Your hamachi ip +1
to the next user Your hamachi ip +2

for example if your ip is
give the first one
the next one

in the game type to console:
sv_lan 1
(now it should show your hamachi ip)
map mapname
(cant remeber the full name, but there will be a list when you type map. chooce the "hospital_01apartment")

Mates can join to the game by typing: connect your hamachi ip

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"



Hamachi alternatíva. Ingyenes. Sokan dícsérik. L4D müxik vele gond nélkül. Ha van még 3 ember, akit érdekel, szóljatok.

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2008-11-26, 20:54:33

Hamachi alternatíva. Ingyenes. Sokan dícsérik. L4D müxik vele gond nélkül. Ha van még 3 ember, akit érdekel, szóljatok.

Érdekelne csak az L4D-et kéne letölteni előbb :D


Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Hear ye, Hear ye! By decree of his lordship Gyertekosz Dotanicus, any one person who considers him or herself a true patriot of the fair nation of Usteamis, should report at the nearest Hamachi Recruitment Office to defend our Homeland! Any one who listens to the call shall be granted food, drink, a bed, the finest nerd women the Imperial Brothel of Cottonis has to offer, also the chance-of-a-lifetime to kick some serious butt.... and you won't be burned on the stake for heretical betrayer of the crown.
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Hürüm-pürüm, irgum-burgum, gyertek dotázni.
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Wut, lerepültem hamáról. Mitörtént? :F


Draco meghaxolta a rendszert, lépj fel újra.

A tökéletesség unalmas.


Draco azt súgja a fülembe, hogy ne. :(




Egyébként meg nem is tudom a szobajelszót. :(


good morning dota anyone?


Mondod ezt úgy, h te magad be se vagy loggolva?  :ejnye:
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.





Egyébként mostanában ne nagyon várjatok, karácsonyig csak egyre csökken a szabadidőm.
Hide and fear, Cobra Commander is here !


Quote from: Cobra on 2008-12-10, 00:29:24
Egyébként mostanában ne nagyon várjatok, karácsonyig csak egyre csökken a szabadidőm.
