
Started by Lt. Simoan Blarke, 2006-10-23, 21:38:47

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Temető: egyike azon kevés helynek, ahol az emberek többsége automatikusan kussol.. persze nem kell ténylegesen beletemetni senkit :D
a necrololikat meg végképp nem... :D

Quote from: DarkstarIts awwright... (BTW nem annyira, mert ugyebár a sorozatban se annyi idős, amennyinek látszik, itt meg még olyan 1-1,5 évvel több szvsz. És különben is...) Egyébként meg úgyis tudod, miket szoktam kapni, nem?  De miért érdekel ennyire? :D
still below consent don't u think?  :haha:
Miért érdekel? No particular reason... just interested in what you would have said :D

Edit: minimalizálni a rusnya gyártelepeket.. az nem elég esztétikus....


Quote from: Zen on 2007-01-15, 22:52:32
Kiváncsi vagyok honnan volt lehetőséged ezt leszűrni. :D
Ugye nem akarod, hogy az egész emailt belinkeljem...? :)
Hosszú történet, de azt mondták, hogy ez a csaj úgy lealáz, hogy szóhoz sem jutok... Hát, ha csak 12 éves, akkor még egész ügyes. :) Kíváncsi leszek rá, hogy mer-e visszaírni... :rolleyes:


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 22:54:00

still below consent don't u think?  :haha:
Miért érdekel? No particular reason... just interested in what you would have said :D

Hm... The consent declared by the law or by mahself? For the first I'd say dunno but for the second... ^^

Quote from: Member on 2007-01-15, 22:57:42
Ugye nem akarod, hogy az egész emailt belinkeljem...? :)
Ha nem személyes, akkor a lol részt pls linkeld. Kíváncsi lettem :D


Quote from: Member on 2007-01-15, 22:57:42
Quote from: Zen on 2007-01-15, 22:52:32
Kiváncsi vagyok honnan volt lehetőséged ezt leszűrni. :D
Ugye nem akarod, hogy az egész emailt belinkeljem...? :)
Hosszú történet, de azt mondták, hogy ez a csaj úgy lealáz, hogy szóhoz sem jutok... Hát, ha csak 12 éves, akkor még egész ügyes. :) Kíváncsi leszek rá, hogy mer-e visszaírni... :rolleyes:

Forwardolnád nekem, ha szépen kérlek? :angyali:
Az emilem úgyis bent van a profilomnál.
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Member /r LULZ   :D


+1 /r member levelére...

The age of consent declared by you? err... you actually declared one? :D I'm all ears ...


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 23:29:56
+1 /r member levelére...

The age of consent declared by you? err... you actually declared one? :D I'm all ears ...

If she tells you that she wants it, who cares about her age? If she can't speak yet? Who cares either... :rolleyes:  :D


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 23:29:56

The age of consent declared by you? err... you actually declared one? :D I'm all ears ...

The "... ^^ " part ring any bells? Guess it :D

Quote from: Zsiga on 2007-01-15, 23:34:41
If she tells you that she wants it, who cares about her age? If she can't speak yet? Who cares either... :rolleyes:  :D

Ed.: Engrish hours again? ^^


umm... how does she tell you that she wants it if she can't even speak?

the "... ^^" part? ... and people call ME sick...  :haha:

btw: this is not engrish....


Oké, tudom, megint én vagyok az r'tard, de hol van a link?

Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 23:44:06
umm... how does she tell you that she wants it if she can't even speak?

the "... ^^" part? ... and people call ME sick...  :haha:

btw: this is not engrish....

He's not sick, just impatient. '-'
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 23:44:06
umm... how does she tell you that she wants it if she can't even speak?

Try reading it once moar. ;)
[spoiler]Situation #1: She can speak. She wants it. She tells you. You do. :D
Situation #2: She's too young to speak. You don't know if she wants it or not. But you don't give a fuck... :D[/spoiler]


Quote from: Zsiga on 2007-01-15, 23:47:40
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 23:44:06
umm... how does she tell you that she wants it if she can't even speak?

Try reading it once moar. ;)
[spoiler]Situation #1: She can speak. She wants it. She tells you. You do. :D
Situation #2: She's too young to speak. You don't know if she wants it or not. But you don't give a fuck... :D[/spoiler]

Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-15, 23:44:06
and people call ME sick...  :haha:

'cause You are sick. My kinky things arent acquit you of that.

BTW engrish because my brain burnt out so I cant take responsibility for my grammar :D

Zsiga: lulz


Quote from: Darkstar on 2007-01-15, 23:50:16
BTW engrish because my brain burnt out so I cant take responsibility for my grammar :D

Ur had a bwain for starters???
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Zen on 2007-01-15, 23:52:02
Quote from: Darkstar on 2007-01-15, 23:50:16
BTW engrish because my brain burnt out so I cant take responsibility for my grammar :D

Ur had a bwain for starters???
Yuore gonna get b& lol


Quote from: Zsiga on 2007-01-15, 23:54:30
Quote from: Zen on 2007-01-15, 23:52:02
Quote from: Darkstar on 2007-01-15, 23:50:16
BTW engrish because my brain burnt out so I cant take responsibility for my grammar :D

Ur had a bwain for starters???
Yuore gonna get b& lol

Whyzzat? :confused:
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Situation#2 sounds like a rape....

grammar-wise: fyi: bad grammar does not equal engrish... and quit using acquit like that :P

[spoiler=...the hell does she have black hands and feet? o.0][/spoiler]


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:07:07
Situation#2 sounds like a rape....

grammar-wise: fyi: bad grammar does not equal engrish... and quit using acquit like that :P

[spoiler=...the hell does she have black hands and feet? o.0][/spoiler]

I'll thell you, but yu may not like t'a answer. I only thell yu, if yu wanna know...
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quit wastin mah time and spill it smartpants....


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:13:57
Quit wastin mah time and spill it smartpants....

She be havin' da blud o' 'Sacred Chuck'. She be changin' her pigmentation like 'im. 'Arrr
Now gimme meh swag..Mate.

Edit: Lolz u Zsiga, ihm not b& yet :D :D
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


the f.. is "Sacred Chuck"? aren't you confusin' someone w/ MJ?


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:29:30
the f.. is "Sacred Chuck"? aren't you confusin' someone w/ MJ?

Sacred Chuck Norris, of coz.
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


he ain't changin teh color 'o his hide... only one who does that and gets away with it - as well as getting away with shiyatloads of CP is MJ


Predaking nem érti miről van szó.

,,Egy férfi sok jó ügyért harcolhat: az országáért, az elveiért, a barátaiért, egy bájos gyermek orcáján megcsillanó könnycseppért. Ami engem illet, egy rakás pénzért, egy gyönyörű óráért, és némi szaftos francia pornóért a saját anyámat is eladnám."


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:32:15
he ain't changin teh color 'o his hide... only one who does that and gets away with it - as well as getting away with shiyatloads of CP is MJ

I can see clearly all makes sense.

Preda: Nyugi, mi se. :D
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Predaking on 2007-01-16, 00:35:21
Predaking nem érti miről van szó.
olvass vissza... legális korhatárról (meg h Darkstar beteg), diktatúráról, temetőről, és halott kislányokról, meg színváltós bőrű Jacko-ról... meg most éppen arról, hogy megint elfogyott a teám... :P

Zen: sate my curiosity: do u perchance know where I got the pic from?

tisztelt mod-boy: NÉNIKÉDBEEDITÁLJÁLBELEB*SSZAMEG!!! köszönöm^^ 

:tezsvir: :D


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:38:07
olvass vissza... legális korhatárról (meg h Darkstar beteg), diktatúráról, temetőről, és halott kislányokról, meg színváltós bőrű Jacko-ról... meg most éppen arról, hogy megint elfogyott a teám... :P

Miért is? ^^
Amúgy nekem se esett le MJ =)


so you were eavesdropping after all :P hogy miért? hármat találhatsz :D
MJ=Michael Jackson, de gondolom ezt mindenki vágja. A képen viszont nem ő van, ha arra gondolsz.


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:38:07
Zen: sate my curiosity: do u perchance know where I got the pic from?[/color]

Nope  :D
Satan isn't the answer when one's in pain. It's god and candy.
In short, sex is great for the species, and it made me who I am today... as in, alive.


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-01-16, 00:42:18
so you were eavesdropping after all :P hogy miért? hármat találhatsz :D
MJ=Michael Jackson, de gondolom ezt mindenki vágja. A képen viszont nem ő van, ha arra gondolsz.

Azt azért kitaláltam, hogy a képen nem ő van. :D
3ból nem fogok rájönni, iránymutatást kérek. :)