
Started by Lt. Simoan Blarke, 2006-10-23, 21:38:47

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man, I don't fukkin care :D (only the HEATHENS and FAGGOTS are unable to read it anyways :D)




Quote from: Selmo on 2007-12-03, 01:10:18
Quote from: minuszmiki on 2007-12-03, 01:04:40
Érdekes ez is, mert ezen az oldalon is két quote dátumába "bele van piszkálva", mégsincs vele baj.
Csak a számot írtam át, de ha hozzáírsz annyit, amit már nem kezel, esetünkben 8 plusz számjegy volt benne.
Aha, értem. Mindenesetre érdekes fícsör. :)


With green it looks so slimy and stuff but with red it's more diabolic. I wunder which to choose.

Lime is even bettar.

Van valahol lista a használható színekről?  :rotfl:

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Főleg, mert kipróbáltam és legalább +8 számjegy kell hozzá. :wtf:

A tökéletesség unalmas.


Jahm, meg a fontokról is jöhetne egy lista, ha már enyire listázunk :D


Offtopic is gonna be so pwetty with these nice fonts and all.

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Úgy néz ki, 2^63-1 lehet a maximum a dátumkódnál, afölött 1970. jan. elsejét mutat.

A ';DROP ALL TABLES;-- poént még nem mertem kipróbálni.  :haha:
Failure is the default option


font-ok: tudtommal bármi, ami a windows/fonts könyvtáradban ott van. de persze másnál csak akkor jelenik meg helyesen, ha neki is ott van a fonts könyvtárában az a ttf betűtípus
brush script mt


Yup... totally kyewt 'n stuff ^^
too bad it's quite fukk'd with lime glow...


I sense epic fail?




Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 01:27:01
Yup... totally kyewt 'n stuff ^^
too bad it's quite fukk'd with lime glow...

Cuz u mixed up the colors FAGGOT!!! Purple glow is I\I347, lime glow is lame. U r so stupid u could be considered HEATHEN!

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"

Kuroi Tenshi

What has science fonts+glow done?


Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 01:46:01
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 01:27:01
Yup... totally kyewt 'n stuff ^^
too bad it's quite fukk'd with lime glow...

Cuz u mixed up the colors FAGGOT!!! Purple glow is I\I347, lime glow is lame. U r so stupid u could be considered HEATHEN!
don't be so envious you luddite HEATHEN... FAGS like you should know they have no place in a cutesy-artistic argument :D


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:00:15
Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 01:46:01
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 01:27:01
Yup... totally kyewt 'n stuff ^^
too bad it's quite fukk'd with lime glow...

Cuz u mixed up the colors FAGGOT!!! Purple glow is I\I347, lime glow is lame. U r so stupid u could be considered HEATHEN!
don't be so envious you luddite HEATHEN... FAGS like you should know they have no place in a cutesy-artistic argument :D

Everything u splutter is full of HERESY and FAGGOTRY! U don't even no that lime gl0w is lame and u wanna teach me about cutesy-artistics?!? I'm gona so strangle u with a pink ribbon and then kyuwte zombie girlz gonna so eat your brainz and they gonna say it was so sweet and yummy and they gonna want more and stuff and it's gonna be so kyuwte u gonna be pwetty sry u said those thingz to me, yeah.

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Sup gays guys

Kuroi Tenshi

Sztem most már lehet zárni az OT-t.
Egy ideig nem is kell újat nyitni.

Addig talán kiheveri a szemem...


Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 02:14:59
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:00:15
Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 01:46:01
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 01:27:01
Yup... totally kyewt 'n stuff ^^
too bad it's quite fukk'd with lime glow...

Cuz u mixed up the colors FAGGOT!!! Purple glow is I\I347, lime glow is lame. U r so stupid u could be considered HEATHEN!
don't be so envious you luddite HEATHEN... FAGS like you should know they have no place in a cutesy-artistic argument :D

Everything u splutter is full of HERESY and FAGGOTRY! U don't even no that lime gl0w is lame and u wanna teach me about cutesy-artistics?!? I'm gona so strangle u with a pink ribbon and then kyuwte zombie girlz gonna so eat your brainz and they gonna say it was so sweet and yummy and they gonna want more and stuff and it's gonna be so kyuwte u gonna be pwetty sry u said those thingz to me, yeah.
You're tryin' to l3c7ur3 ME about b31n9 ky3w7? I had frills and r1bb0nZ 4ll 0v3r t3h c0un7ry b3f0r3 y00 c0ulD 3v3n u773r y0ur |\|4M3. LUDDITE FAGGOT! Ah was kyewt when mods of this 'ere forum FELL (both from the board and from "grace") into oblivion, from the overwhelming CUTENESS
And anyhows I was mistaken for a girl far more times than you'll ever be :hehe:
enjoy your lime HERESY with purple glow you HEATHEN!!!!
nao shuddit and get back to your hookah of AIDS!!



[spoiler]ur gonna get b&![/spoiler]


Quote from: Rage on 2007-12-03, 02:28:37
[spoiler]ur gonna get b&![/spoiler]
[spoiler]welcome to USTEAM: no-one gets banned...[/spoiler]


Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:30:21
Quote from: Rage on 2007-12-03, 02:28:37
[spoiler]ur gonna get b&![/spoiler]
[spoiler]welcome to USTEAM: no-one gets banned...[/spoiler]
Azert nemhiszem, hogy kene fesziteni a hurt...
Death is the only redemption

Kuroi Tenshi

Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:30:21
welcome to USTEAM: no-one gets banned...
valahol el kell kezdeni :hehe:


Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 02:39:31
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:25:28
Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 02:14:59
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:00:15
Quote from: Dreamcleaver on 2007-12-03, 01:46:01
Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 01:27:01
Yup... totally kyewt 'n stuff ^^
too bad it's quite fukk'd with lime glow...

Cuz u mixed up the colors FAGGOT!!! Purple glow is I\I347, lime glow is lame. U r so stupid u could be considered HEATHEN!
don't be so envious you luddite HEATHEN... FAGS like you should know they have no place in a cutesy-artistic argument :D

Everything u splutter is full of HERESY and FAGGOTRY! U don't even no that lime gl0w is lame and u wanna teach me about cutesy-artistics?!? I'm gona so strangle u with a pink ribbon and then kyuwte zombie girlz gonna so eat your brainz and they gonna say it was so sweet and yummy and they gonna want more and stuff and it's gonna be so kyuwte u gonna be pwetty sry u said those thingz to me, yeah.
You're tryin' to l3c7ur3 ME about b31n9 ky3w7? I had frills and r1bb0nZ 4ll 0v3r t3h c0un7ry b3f0r3 y00 c0ulD 3v3n u773r y0ur |\|4M3. LUDDITE FAGGOT! Ah was kyewt when mods of this 'ere forum FELL (both from the board and from "grace") into oblivion, from the overwhelming CUTENESS
And anyhows I was mistaken for a girl far more times than you'll ever be :hehe:
enjoy your lime HERESY with purple glow you HEATHEN!!!!
nao shuddit and get back to your hookah of AIDS!!


U don't even know the diff between 13e7I\Ie55 and kyuwetinessesse.  U think writtin' FAGGOT numbers 'nstead of letters is cute! Z0MG u teh HERESY! And with FUKKEN lime gl0w?!? R u FUKKEN insane!!! U have smashed your head full of FAGS when u fell from grace with these other FAGGOTS here and now spite this HERETIC unkyuwte sh*tinessesse into my face! And u FUKKEN enjoying building pyramids with qoueths u friggin IDIOT when it is FUKKEN forbidden on this dam unkyuwet forum yonder! And what's with the LUDDITE shiat anyway?!? Art is artificial u FAGGOT! No LUDDITE can understand cutesy-artistics so it proves u r the LUDDITE FAGGOT! 
[spoiler]I really could waste my oh-so-sweet time on writing a reply for you blatant HEATHEN show-off post that just reeks of your LUDDITE FAGGOTRY, but alas! I must stray from my noble intentions because your grammar sucks in such a way that saying "it fails in epic proportions" would profoundly belittle it. Hence you must make due with the FACTS that I am far more versed in the ever-so-elusive art and lore of cuteness than thou shalt ever be. Though I must say I'm quite surprised that you actually know what a LUDDITE is...  I'll just let you return to your hookah of AIDS now I guess. Oh and yes, 1337 15 |\|347[/spoiler]
Quote from: Kuroi Tenshi on 2007-12-03, 02:33:22

Quote from: Lythis on 2007-12-03, 02:30:21
welcome to USTEAM: no-one gets banned...
valahol el kell kezdeni :hehe:
WTF? someone actually knows how to ASK? mother of god and all that is holy... THE END IS F*CKIN' NIGH!!![spoiler]even though the temptation is almost unbearably great mayhap I shalt take pity on you poor creatures blessed with less-than-perfect eyesight for I am oh-so-very kind :P[/spoiler]


Your lime gl0w still sux...FAGGOT! Get some lessons in cutesy-artistry...and go to the barber, those frills r old-school.  :D

"But there's no sense crying
over every mistake
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake"


Örülök, hogy visszaállt a rend. :smile: De lehetne ügyelni a userek szemeire is, ezek a cifra betűk már engem is kezdenek zavarni. :haha:
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."


A szemeim kikészültek mire végig olvastam :D



[spoiler]Zsozso to teh rescue!! :whoah: :merci:[/spoiler]

amugy PROTIP: ctrl+a és nem látod azokat a tré színeket :angyali: btw kinek van meg ez a slipstream font rajtam kívül? :haha:


Wow, kikuchiyo haxxolta az usteamet?!??! :D

Quote from: RedPriest on 2007-12-03, 08:55:07
Örülök, hogy visszaállt a rend. :smile: De lehetne ügyelni a userek szemeire is, ezek a cifra betűk már engem is kezdenek zavarni. :haha:
Quote from: sirtomi on 2007-12-03, 09:51:12
A szemeim kikészültek mire végig olvastam :D

Gyerekek, gyerekek, az ignore funkció mire való?! :)


Amíg nem ciánkék alapon sárga betűvel írnak, addig nincs gond.

Valahogy így.